Exception for transitivity of "to cook"

As I’ve been doing Wanikani, I’ve kinda picked up an instinct for telling if a verb is transitive or intransitive, but learning the forms of “to cook” really threw me for a loop:

焼ける - intransitive
焼く - transitive

Am I the only one that would have guessed that would be the other way around? Are there more exceptions I should be aware of?

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Always remember the golden rule in Japanese: All rules have exceptions, including this one.

Yeah, probably a good rule for every language (though there’s probably some exceptional language with no exceptions)

Esperanto, probably.

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抜く and 抜ける are the same.
欠く and 欠ける
裂く and 裂ける
解く and 解ける


Thank you! I knew you would reply with a bunch of examples

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