English to Japanese "Zen" study

koichi said... I'd vote for Enlightened items only, or an option to choose.
 Opt-in after enlightenment would be a good way of doing it, I expect. And it would ameliorate the issues I've suggested may occur.

Slightly off-topic but does the same issue affect the Wanikanify plugin if you have it set to show apprentice/guru/master items?

So what’s the word on this? Do you have an idea of when it might be ready?
Edit: A response would be useful. :cry:

I would be interested in using this, actually. There’s a reverse vocab deck floating around but while I keep meaning to use it…I can’t find it in myself to want to open Anki up again. :I

koichi said... I'd vote for Enlightened items only, or an option to choose.
 Yeah, I definitely agree with that... 
It'd be annoying trying to deal with items that you don't know well enough, I think and it might overload your brain a bit.
I would be interested in using this, actually. There's a reverse vocab deck floating around but while I keep meaning to use it...I can't find it in myself to want to open Anki up again. :I
I agree. I used to love Anki, but I just got overwhelmed.

I always felt that Anki was too passive, unlike Wanikani where you type stuff in. I know the Tae Kim deck has you type stuff in, but then I’m too lazy to type in EVERYTHING that’s on the card, so instead I make my own clozed deletes on Memrise (and Anki, ironically). 

Yeah. I believe Koichi said that with Anki you can just cheat your way through, and say “oh yeah, I  totally got that right!”, which I’m guilty of.

hmmmm… yeah this is tight! Does anyone else have problems with recalling vocabulary from memory? I have been building my reading skills with the Kani here, but it seems when I try to pull out a word in my head from the vocab that I have picked up from WK, I have to think super deeply about the Kanji first. 

Yeah.  I’ve discovered that I rely a lot on visual cues from the kanji to remember the meaning and pronunciation of a lot of the vocabulary.  I suck at pulling the vocab out of memory cold.  This one of the reasons that I’d be jazzed about a reverse review app.  The Anki deck is a nice place to start, but as others have said it’s still Anki and all the baggage that goes with it.

Hello folks,

I’m sorry I was on holiday recently. I’m going to take in all the feedback and get a release out this week!

Stay tuned!



chedkid said... Hello folks,

I'm sorry I was on holiday recently. I'm going to take in all the feedback and get a release out this week!

Stay tuned!

 Can't wait to see it! Good luck and thank you ^^

Hey, any word on this? It’s been a bit since you posted anything on this.

I’m quite keen to try this out as well.


OP will surely deliver!

I’m actually wondering if OP’s okay. And I’m wondering if there’s anyone else working on a similar app.