Don's Japanese Conjugation Drill

This is really awesome - only thing here that seems to be missing is for the ability to choose verbs from specific WK levels (or only ones that the user has unlocked). It would be even cooler if this tied in with the user’s WK API key, similar to the way WaniConjugator does it.

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I did a couple rounds and thought it was really nice. I especially appreciate the explanation.

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I thought about WaniKani integration early on and decided against it. The purpose was to get across the difference between the conjugation cases in Japanese and so the spread is deliberate such that common cases don’t drown out others. Using the verb list from WaniKani would give far too much weight to ~る verbs!

Here’s the breakdown that I use:

godan verbs

~る → 4
~う → 3
~つ → 3

~む → 3
~ぶ → 3
~ぬ → 1 (死ぬ is only verb in this category)

~ぐ → 3

~く → 3 (行くis included here because it has some irregular conjugations)

~す → 3


  • There is a (mostly) even spread between each kind of godan verb so the user gets practice in knowing what is needed for past tense and te-form conjugations.
  • ~る verbs were given a slightly bigger weight so that users get a bit more practice in working out if ~る verbs are godan or ichidan. (There is a 33% chance that a ~る verb is ichidan in the test).

ichidan verbs

There are eight of these. I included 上げる to go with the godan verb 上る just to be sporting.

suru verbs

There are five of these. I included a few because you might get confused if something is a す~ verb or a suru verb when looking at a conjugated form. For example, 消して could be a conjugated form of 消す or 消する [incorrect] if you didn’t happen to know.

kuru verb

The kuru verb. Special in every way…


There are ten of these, including いい because it’s a bit special.


There are eight of these, including 幸い because it looks like an i-adjective.

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So I just tried your conjugation drill and the first thing it asked me was this:

“What is the past version of 着なかった?”

So I thought, “no problem!” and typed in “着った”.

Well, your site told me I was wrong and the right answer was 着なかった , which made no sense to me whatsoever since 着なかった is the past negative form and 着った is the past form. So I went here all frustrated and felt like telling you your site sucks, but then I noticed something, your site didn’t want the past tense, it wanted the past VERSION.

着なかった is the past negative, so a past version of the past negative would still be the past negative in this case.

So yeah, I suck, your site is actually awesome and super helpful! :grin:


Thanks! :wink:

So yes, I changed the wording from “form” to “version” quite recently to help make it clearer and added the “Explain” button to spell it out.

Glad it’s helpful!

Is it possible to see a list of the verbs you’ve included here (with their kana versions, and ideally their meanings in English as well)? I am enjoying this practice but I don’t recognize the kanji for most of the verbs. I can look them up, but I imagine that I’m not the only person who would benefit from such a list.

Thank you!

I was going to put this into the site itself but I’ll put the list here for now. I’ve added links to for the ones that you want to look up.

I did this list with a hokey Vim macro so it’s possible I goofed up the kana version somewhere! :wink:

Group 1 (godan) verbs

上る のぼる
休む やすむ
作る つくる
喜ぶ よろこぶ
学ぶ まなぶ
座る すわる
思う おもう
急ぐ いそぐ
打つ うつ
持つ もつ
書く かく
歌う うたう
死ぬ しぬ
注ぐ そそぐ
泳ぐ およぐ
消す けす
立つ たつ
聞く きく
読む よむ
買う かう
買い戻す かいもどす
走る はしる
足す たす
遊ぶ あそぶ
飲む のむ
行く いく

Group 2 (ichidan) verbs

上げる あげる
着る きる
育てる そだてる
褒める ほめる
見る みる
買い与える かいあたえる
買い換える かいかえる
起きる おきる
食べる たべる

Group 3 (special) verbs

来る くる
する する
勉強する べんきょうする
計算する けいさんする
開発する かいはつする
電話する でんわする


怖い こわい
暖かい あたたかい
暗い くらい
硬い かたい
華々しい はなばなしい
面白い おもしろい
高い たかい
いい いい


上手 じょうずだ
便利 べんりだ
元気 げんきだ
好き すきだ
幸い さいわいだ
意地悪 いじわるだ
有名 ゆうめいだ


¡Muchas gracias! Vielen Dank! (Added to comply with the 10-character requirement.)

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That is already the polite past tense form, so there isn’t any change necessary to put it into a polite form. If I am reading it correctly, that is.

Could you add a check box for kanji or kana? I know must people will be like blah blah blah learn kanji, but I don’t want to show down the practice and be focusing on two things at once.

Yeah, that should be possible.

Thank you so much for all the hard work. I appreciate your help.

I don’t really agree with your analysis. Past tense version or “form” doesn’t really matter. なかった is the past tense of ない regardless of what you might of thought. If someone asked for the the past tense of was not, would you reply “it’s was”?. Then go, “oh you meant the ‘past tense version’ of was not?” I know I might be appearing slightly prickly here, but I still wanted to say it. I understand what you meant though and relate to the feeling. But you are misunderstanding what the original word is in this case, its asking what the past tense of the ない version of the word is. I know because I make tense mistakes in class a lot and the teacher will go “past tense” to remind me to switch it and I never infer this to mean make it a positive statement, nor does he mean that.


OK - I’ve added the kana only option. Have at it!

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Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

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I’ve just added the desire forms and volitional forms which completes the list I set out to do when I started this over a year ago…

Did I miss any?

I still have a list of other things to do like word lists, conjugation charts, questions via audio and to make it not suck on mobile devices…

You’re Conjugation Drill is very helpful for me. Thank you so much, but I have a question. I don’t know most of the verbs. Would it be possible to show the english meaning of the verb as well? The plain form would be enough. Just to have an idea what the verb means.

Wow, just seen this! Wonderful! Thank you!

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Or even an option to have kanji with furigana?!

this is really great. Though it is quite hard when I don’t know the verb at all.

Great job :+1:

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