Does anyone have a copy of 10k WK Breakdown they can link to?

I didn’t know anyone here even actually made it. I got the link from Discord, google’d it, found a few posts here but no one actually claiming it. If he’s cool with it that’s great.

That said, the vocab portion of the deck seems to be assuming you know way more kanji just starting. It had sentences I could barely understand using advanced Kanji. In the first ten I was unable to read any of the vocab sentences due to the Kanji being used which doesn’t seem to have been pulled from here.

I agree. Even WaniKani itself has had feedback on their sentences being too advanced, though they are working on fixing that. Personally I use the sentences as an opportunity for pronunciation and reading practice. I don’t try to perfectly understand it before moving on. Given time, it has proven to be a good practice for making sense of the context of the given word and its vocal placement in a sentence.

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A very big part of WK is the radicals and the mnemonics it uses to help you memorise kanji. The 10K deck doesn’t do that.

If you want to nitpick, the Anki decks are more ripping off iKnow :wink: That’s where the sentences and audio comes from. I think the content used to be freely available under a creative commons license or something though, so people are free to make decks from it.

But yeah I agree the sentences had too many kanji I didn’t know at first. You can set Anki up to have mouseover furigana though.


Speaking of ripoffs…

Seems like iKnow is a ripoff of Memrise…