Do you need to do KaniWani?

Hello, My first post over here, I’ve only been doing WaniKani and I’ve only been doing it once a day. I know i Need to start picking up the pace. I’ve looked into KaniWani and im curious as to how necessary it is and if its worth doing. Thank you in advance!

If you have time- its helpful. Is it needed? no. With nuff input, you will inevitably drill all words into your long term memory.

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Depends entirely on your goals and on how much time you can/want to spend. Personally I would say, better spend time on two short review periods (morning & evening) instead of one long review session.
The key to SRS is continuity and doing the reviews close to when the items are ready for review again. This works better with more shorter review periods, and of course somewhat generalized; the more time you spend the faster you will progress, although there is a sweet spot and it probably does not make a whole lot of sense to spend much more than 2 hours a day. :wink:

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