Do you finish all of your vocabulary before starting Radicals/Kanji?

Usually I plow through all of the vocabulary lessons before leveling up. But, if I have leftovers from the previous level, I will learn the new radicals first as there are max. 8 of them and often are fairly easy. (I hate seeing an empty screen for the new level.) Then, I return to learn the rest of the previous levels vocabulary, before continuing with the current level.
If I don’t learn all of the the vocabulary, then what is the point of reaching new, ever more difficult levels? (I am also that guy that can’t stand if there are unread messages or emails. It bothers me when there are phone icons that tell me there is something left for me to read.) That is my method.


Speaking of precise - those should both be the same… :wink:

To topic, sometimes, but I’ll do new radicals out of order.

Yes, I forgot to edit that, oops.

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