Do I cheat too much?

learn it properly the first time around, considering you’re only level 7, items really aren’t that complex or abstract yet, and you don’t have many reviews yet, if you find yourself failing kanji, study them more in order to not fail them while in apprentice, here’s a tip:

Kanji lessons should be done when you can review them an hour after, well you should with every lesson, but there’s not always time for that, that’s a great way to remember them better and seeing any future leeches and preventing them. if you fail the review, relearn it, and check that kanji back 30 minutes after, if you still fail, do reviews every minute for whatever amount of time until you feel like you can get it at the 30 minute mark, also avoid reviewing them less than 2 hours before the actual review.


I’ve only cheated a handful of times when I get to the point of desperation with something. Then as soon as I cheat I’m so annoyed I had to do it that I make sure it sticks like glue!! >.<

So I do think cheating does have it’s place if you have enough self-control to use it to your advantage haha


I’ve been pretty lenient with my cheating, but instead I made it so it’s impossible for me to override burn items, so that I can’t burn something I don’t know

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What if you made a typo? :oo


So different 見方 points of view… Rookie question: in long term what is more efficient:

  1. Believe in SRS and do not learn anything between reviews, no cheating
  2. Learning between reviews, using Anki ets.

Reason for question: Most people believe that more learning more knowledge. SRS supposes learning should occure in special intervals. For me, contradiction is obvious. I try studying as much as I can by now, but if it is useless I could spend my time in other areas. For maybe brain possibilities are not limitless… So the question of course is to the high leveled. Also my style makes Wanikani intervals too long, (seemingly) but I have no enlightens yet, so maybe I’ll fail in the future. The question is from level 6, first paid month.

ANIME%20NITRO%20EMOTE%20SERVER-1 ← me if I make a typo


:scream: I didn’t know Kumi-san could make a typo!!


I didn’t say that I could :eyes:

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If you have the extra time, wouldn’t it be more efficient to study something else during the intervals? Grammar, for example :slight_smile:

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Because I would prefer obtaining some basic vocabulary to start reading, which will help much in grammar. Wanikani provides me with simplest Kanji and vocabs but so far not most useful (at my level). Just passed Pimsleur Japanese 1 - most words are incompatible ( and who knows what level of Wanikani is needed to spell Pimsleur 5? Which is rather simple and contains basic grammar.

And by no means that is not the answer )

I tend to cheat on radicals too. I guess I don’t take them seriously enough ( maybe I’m wrong ). I also “cheat” when I struggle finding the English of a kanji or vocab. If I get the general idea, but the exact English word eludes me, I am looking for it.
Overall, I think it’s a bad idea to cheat, ending up burning items you don’t remember… seems like a waste of time. Failing can be frustraiting, but completly normal in the process of learning.

In that case you could learn non-kanji vocab, or create an Anki deck for Pimsleur vocab as you go along. Not sure if I misunderstood your question? You should definitely study between reviews, and it’s not cheating if you come across WK items in different contexts. I just don’t think it’s efficient to double down on WK specifically.

SRS is just a “learn more with less time invested” type of strategy. If you want to do other types of study / review / practice, go for it. Despite what others may say, it doesn’t damage your learning / memory by seeing / using items more often. I’d really suggest spending time doing grammar, speaking, and listening. Whatever overlap occurs is bonus.


I too think 80% is a bit low. I’ve had a few review sessions like that and that might explain why some days I’ve got 500 reviews! (that, and because I binge WK and then take several days off)
I keep my Apprentice count around 200 but there have been times where it has approached 300.

I think some kind of balance between methods is in order. It’s important to be honest with yourself but at the same time try not to sell yourself short on learning opportunities.

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Not knowing the English is such a common annoyance lol.
The 猫 catches my tongue all the time.

In those cases I try to explain the word in English in a few sentences and then when the English answer is revealed, I determine if it is Ok to ‘cheat’.

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Agreed. I also think that it depends on the person a bit too. Personally, the idea of having 200 apprentice items makes me squeamish! In fact, I recently took a break from lessons to bring my apprentice count down to below 10 because I felt like I had the same items going back and forth between guru and apprentice over and over!

However it seems like you’re doing just fine with 200 apprentice items, so it clearly isn’t wrong for you.

Every time you cheat, take the time to put that item into a separate SRS (e.g Anki) and never cheat on that. Thus you can retain the benefit of SRS and also not get stuck with nothing to do on WK just because 4 kanji are holding up your level progression.

I should say this is a purely theoretical approach from my perspective, I don’t cheat on WK and it’s been a very long time since I’ve had 0 remaining lessons here.


what’s the point in cheating in self study ?
you 're here to learn japanese , not to pass levels …
if you’re focusing on levelling than you are not understanding the whole point of WK

cheating means you’re not learning anything …

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Some stuff’s easy to remember, other stuff is hard. I think the rationale is that being stuck on a few hard things shouldn’t prevent one from learning a bunch of easier stuff in the meantime. Not much of a practical concern for me personally (everything is some degree of ‘hard’!) but I can see how it could be an issue for others.

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I do this too sometimes, when I do know the meaning for the word but can’t come up with the wanted English word for it. (I don’t count this exactly cheating, since I do know the word in those cases.)

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