Descent of the Durtle into eGoooott - NOW AT B8!

Maybe we should be looking at typewriters then. Not sure is 和文タイプライター was still used in the 1950s. I’m sure there were many variations.



That’s largely the same as a modern kana-entry keyboard, though it does look like there’s some small differences in the number row and symbol keys. Considering it appears to be missing +, ~ and 1 keys, I feel like this particular one is not the answer.

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Well… 1 and 0 are I and O

You and I? O and I?

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So I noticed that all of these strings can be translated into hiragana using a kana keyboard, and figured I should see what I get when I use the same keys. It seemed initially promising: the third string, “wawarikofuokoki” makes Google Translate think it means ‘thoughtful’, but I can’t get back to that answer via any translations of ‘thoughtful’, and nothing else resolves usefully. I’m not sure how dakuten are represented, and I would be shocked if there aren’t any dakuten in a 30-character sentence. Still, if we make something meaningful out of numbers 2 and 3, we can probably muddle through 1 and 4.

Edit: duh, “Caution! Space is also required” probably means we’re supposed to separate out these strings of characters into words. I leave this in the capable hands of people who actually speak Japanese.

I notice that there’s a difference of six characters between each string, and their lengths are all even, which means there might be a way to translate sets of two characters to something else.

As for the puzzle itself, the text seems to be trying to tell us that none of the clues needed here use WaniKani.


It’s a nice thought - which was also made over four hundred posts ago.

  1. ちちこたしわぬわりやおふふあそいきしやふはにえしせこらままもられ
  2. こえぬこにたせきとふわおくし
  3. わわりこふおよき
  4. しわふあぬえそせたちてしはわこへにりやのこぬはきれち

Issue is, those simply don’t form words no matter how you break them up. Aside from cherrypicking random adjacent pairs, most of those kana combinations simply don’t exist at all in Japanese.

That’s also a thought that’s been had. If you can think of any way that works. I’ve already tried converting everything into ASCII, pairing them up, then converting back via both Unicode and Shift-JIS, but I just get gibberish either way.

Though, the fact that each string differs from any other by a multiple of six characters is new. Nice spotting that. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hmm, dang. It seems too much of a coincidence to me that we’d have mostly letters, sequences of numbers and a few marks, and all of them line up with a kana keyboard, appearing on a page about typing Japanese.

I suspected, after the “wawa” at the start of 3, that this might be the case. I thought maybe the strings omitted shift key presses and just depicted what keys were pressed on the keyboard, so a ‘wa’ could be the ‘o’ particle, but I thought the ‘o’ particle is usually in the middle of a sentence rather than right at the start (or end).

Can we try to do the same, but with the Type Writer?

It’s a different type, by default it seems it writes in romaji, but if you physically press the down arrow, it goes to Kana.

Also 0 is O and 1 is I

If I start on 4 (Death)



The issue with using that typewriter is that if you’re gonna use I and O for 1 and 0, then why have 1s and 0s in the code at all? And what kana do you use for +? Or ~?

I know I know…

just brainstorming… maybe another “Type” writer?



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I thought I’d try applying the difference between う and い to that one

  1. ちちこたしわぬわりやおふふあそいきしやふはにえしせこらままもられ
  2. こえぬこにたせきとふわおくし
  3. わわりこふおよき
  4. しわふあぬえそせたちてしはわこへにりやのこぬはきれち

Meaning I rotate-shifted every character one to the right in the hiragana chart. It didn’t result in anything useful, but I thought maybe someone else might want to laugh at what google translated

  1. つつかちすをねをるゆあへへいさうくすゆへひぬおすそかりみみまりろ
    Yuu Chisushi yuu na na na na na eisu yuu yuu yasu hesudo shisami Mariro
  2. かおねかぬちそくたへをあけす
    I will open up an open mind
  3. ををるかへあやく
    to go to
  4. すをへいねおさそちつとすひをかほぬるゆなかねひかろつ
    I’m sorry to have a baby shoulder bag

Next I’m trying to shift between ゆ and い, but I think I might run into problems for the missing yi, ye…
I’m also trying to shift them one to the left, not that that will change anything about the wierd わわ/をを


Rotate-shifting う to い at least gave a very cryptic sounding 4 that I could actually imagine a durtle saying :joy:. I’d say that’s coincidence though. Still only Google translated, because I’m not capable of more.

う ー> い

Battle with haste and let go Hikaru Akasa Hori also stops

I am aware that I am a senior

Lucky Yuka

If you give in to us as a result you can not be helped

By now I’m only doing this so no one else has to. (And I hope nobody else did it already)


At least you finally got sentences instead of jibberish.


Has anyone tried decoding it using the mobile keyboard instead of a full desktop keyboard? I noticed in the how to install the keyboard article that the mobile keyboards have 12 keys. And what is the difference between U (21) and I (9)? 12! (I literally squeaked and started bouncing up and down when I noticed this so nobody better tell me it’s been tried before.)


I kind of tried it…

Is AA pressing twice the letter A? what’s B, the same?


I have a clear translation for 2. I think I have this in the bag.

  1. こえぬこにたせきとふわおくし

i.e., Discord and the blame of others feel timid to the voiceless.

It all makes perfect sense now!


That sounds a lot like the hints they give us :rofl:


Hey guys…

Did anyone look into this yet?

“We’re just a different type from you”

Excuse my excessive use of arrows for no good actual reason.


I started looking down that alley sort of. The vocab for I (私)shows up between 死 and 天国 in the vocab list on level 6. So I thought that might be meaningful due to that clue but…I have not found anything yet. Maybe the type will clarify things…

Edit: It didn’t.


I think all the clues have nothing to do with WaniKani