Descent of the Durtle into eGoooott - NOW AT B8!

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Oh hello. Welcome to Durtle Heaven™.
It truly is a Crabsmas miracle you came here today.
You wish to descend into Durtle Heaven?
That’s fine with me.
I’m a pretty apathetic durtle.
But, deeper durtles won’t be so easy.
They will surely test you with their difficult jiddles.
I’ve never gone deeper than B2,
so my only advice is this:
If you run into any trouble,
make like your Review pile and don’t panic.
That is the most important thing.

Well, in you go.
The password to get to B1 is quite easy.
It, uh, rhymes with “ass-word.”


Literally “password”

Access archive

Look closely at the image for the badge “Ghost of Crabsmas Durtle.”

Other archive

An unknown, brand-new user by the name of @a-regular-durtle created the following thread that seems related to this overall puzzle (you can purchase a durtle badge for $1):