Descent of the Durtle into eGoooott - NOW AT B8!

Here’s some code to brute-force test four keywords so that we don’t have to guess the order.

To use this, on the magenta password entry page, open Developer Tools, and paste this code into the console.

function pause() {
    let pause_length = 1000;
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, pause_length));
async function try_four_words(four_words) {
    let split = four_words.trim().split(",");
    let w1 = split[0];
    let w2 = split[1];
    let w3 = split[2];
    let w4 = split[3];
    let p = async function(p1, p2, p3, p4) {
        let p = p1+" "+p2+" "+p3+" "+p4
        console.log("Testing: "+p);
        document.querySelector("input[type='password']").value = p;
        document.querySelector(".input-container .arrow-icon .icon-wrapper div").click();
        await pause();
    await p(w1, w2, w3, w4);
    await p(w1, w2, w4, w3);
    await p(w1, w3, w2, w4);
    await p(w1, w3, w4, w2);
    await p(w1, w4, w2, w3);
    await p(w1, w4, w3, w2);

    await p(w2, w1, w3, w4);
    await p(w2, w1, w4, w3);
    await p(w2, w3, w1, w4);
    await p(w2, w3, w4, w1);
    await p(w2, w4, w1, w3);
    await p(w2, w4, w3, w1);

    await p(w3, w1, w2, w4);
    await p(w3, w1, w4, w2);
    await p(w3, w2, w1, w4);
    await p(w3, w2, w4, w1);
    await p(w3, w4, w1, w2);
    await p(w3, w4, w2, w1);

    await p(w4, w1, w2, w3);
    await p(w4, w1, w3, w2);
    await p(w4, w2, w1, w3);
    await p(w4, w2, w3, w1);
    await p(w4, w3, w1, w2);
    await p(w4, w3, w2, w1);

Then, run a function like this to test the four words in all possible orders:


Adjust the pause_length according to your level of acceptable danger. If you go too fast, maybe Squarespace will durt you out? Idk. 1000 = one second.