Descent of the Durtle into eGoooott - NOW AT B8!

Hey there Friends!

I see you cast aside your Witchery. Finally, we have gotten into B3. The Durthlic Church has descended further. Long live the Durtle Pope! Long live the Big Durt! Together––with your smarts and my cryptic knowledge––there is no stopping us!

Unfortunately, we at the Durthlic Church know nothing of how to get into B4. I shared all the knowledge I had from all the past… excursions. So, nothing I can do to help now (and no need to read into this, there’s nothing in this message that will be helpful… and for all of you saying that because I said that it isn’t helpful it is helpful… well, may Durt calm your poor, suspicious souls).

Anyways, time is of the essence here!!! Chop chop. Let’s continue to descend together, my friends! I’ll continue to come back every 1,000 posts, but it’ll just have to be for moral support from now on.

P.S. Go get some rest, you all deserve it * pats you all on the back, one by one *