Descent of the Durtle into eGoooott - NOW AT B8!

I’m thinking we may have already “used” this clue.

We seek physical descendence,
and that is the key


I believe this may have been a clue to get us to look at Tofugu instead of WaniKani since Tofugu is an ancestor/predecessor of WaniKani.

I’m thinking all the clues on the B3 page were all pointing to the same place.


I’m not convinced. The “If I want to go to heaven I will start from death” comes from the clue once we found the tofugu article, and the spoiler thread has already showed that There is more than one relevant article on tofugu.

That said I’m definitely grasping at straws…

Is it time for another hint yet?


18 more posts to go! I wonder if we’ll be told off for cheating?

The Durte said it was ok. Any method was valid

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So one thought would be:

“we” ascend up the stairs and end at the statue at the top of the temple, while “they” start at death and descend down the stairs and end… in Nara?

There are three other articles on Nara:

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Hmm, so you’re saying we’ve played this game before?

The Lab Portal 2 text fauna font handwriting


In buddha-prevents-earthquakes it’s mentioned that the 大仏 is a 国宝, which is worth noting because, again in the spoiler thread Someone else already brought up the national treasure/nic cage, so it’s a little funny to see it popping up again. Additionally that article was updated at the beginning of January.


Additionally? That right there is enough to be suspicious. Anyone have to time to try getting a diff of the source? I can later this evening (if I can find an old version)

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Cancel that, clearly I don’t know how to use wayback machine correctly.

This calendar view maps the number of times Did Nara’s Giant Buddha Statue Prevent A 7.8 Earthquake? was crawled by the Wayback Machine, not how many times the site was actually updated. More info in the FAQ.


Oh, ok. :smile:

How did we detect that the keyboard page was recently updated?

Are we expecting something at 4500 posts? It’s every 1000 that a-regular-durtle shows up. So far: 1152, 2002, 3016, 4014 (not correcting for deleted posts that mess with the ordering).

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You should read this post :slight_smile:

Basically, @Masayoshiro compared the image to an older version that wasn’t updated elsewhere (Google+).

a-regular-durtle comes every 1,000 post (though he posted early in the spoiler thread), and koichi comes every post ending with 500.



At our current rate of commenting that’s going to take at least another 5 days. Chop chop everyone, post more stuff.

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I should maybe hide somewhere :see_no_evil:

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Maybe we can convince @a-regular-durtle to count posts on both threads under a single tally…

I, for one, strongly favor un-schisming (de-schisming?), it’s not as if we’ve made a ton of progress.


There is likely a consequence to going out of order (so it may even out)…not that it was cheating, either you protect the sequence or keep it a free for all.


It’s also my opinion, since the spoiler thread is where most of the work is done right now and this thread is less active.

Another vote for merging the threads. In retrospect, I don’t think it’s so much a spoiler as a discovery of more information that might help. But not a “cheat code” to skip ahead, if you know what I mean. It was a good thought to be cautious, but at this point it’s just part of the same puzzle being worked in parallel. Nothing wrong with that; we’re going to have to solve it now or later anyway.

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