Counting exclamation marks‼

I use ! for a sharp “shouty” point, which may be abrupt, but not necessarily argumentative. I use !! to make it a bit softer. I use !!! for disbelief at a statement. And then there’s times when none of the above applies and I just go with what feels right at the time :rofl:


I seem to recall being taught in (Swedish) school that you either use one or three !?. symbols in a row. They don’t need to be the same though.

So according to this !, !!!, !?!, ?!? …, etc are all ok, but not …, ?! or !!.

EDIT: Can’t find any support for this though. Indeed no source I found that didn’t discourage using multiple exclamation marks or question marks mentioned anything about two of them being wrong…


This is more of a style guide thing than a formal rule in English. I tried looking up a few references, but both the Chicago Manual of Style and the AP Stylebook are paywalled. I did find this list of free online style guides, though, for anyone who wants to deep dive the issue.

I am not fluent enough to do the same in Japanese though.



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