“Invite” was added to 招 and “passage of time” was added to the allow list for 歴.
大勢 only describes “a large number” (of people) whereas masses refers to “the ordinary people”
掛かる: When it takes on the meaning of “to take” it is usually written in kana so we are rejecting this for now.
無我夢中 : We didn’t add “losing control,” but added “losing oneself in” as the alternative meaning and added “being absorbed” and “being absorbed in” to the allowlist.
見渡す: We are rejecting this because “to take an extensive look” implies that someone is examining or investigating something in great detail or with a thorough approach. The word 見渡す in Japanese generally means “to look out over a wide area,” or “to survey a scene from a high vantage point.” This implies a panoramic view or a wide-angle perspective, as opposed to a close-up or detailed examination. In this sense, 見渡す is not exactly the same as “to take an extensive look,” which implies a closer and more focused inspection of something.
Thanks for your patience while we look into your other suggestions.
Also there’s an issue with entering in the kanji meaning field its kunyomi reading. There’s no hint that Wanikani expects meaning from me in this case, it just marked wrong.
Oh yeah, we got those, you can see them in our update on the 23rd of March
I’ll add these to the list.
I have just tested this, as well as on a few other kanji and it seems to be working just fine, do you maybe have any scripts installed which could be interfering?
With these, we have added the following and are still considering the others but they require a little more discussion before we decide:
不潔 – unclean → Added "unclean” to the allowlist.
対応 – reaction: rejecting this as “reaction” is more close to 反応 軍人 – military personnel → Added "military personnel” as an alternative meaning. 混乱する – to be in disorder → Added “to be in disorder” as the alternative meaning, added “to be in chaos,” “to get confused,” and “to panic” to the allow list, and updated a context sentence. 続々 – in a series → Added “in a series” to the allow list. 修理 – fixing → Added "fixing” to the allowlist.
結局 – finally → Added “finally” to the allow list. 故障 – fault → Added “finally” to the allow list.
鮮やか – fresh → added it to the allow list. 停止 – halt → Added “stop” and “halt” to the allow list.
word 印 – stamp (or at least please add a tip that WaniKani is looking for meaning for another reading) → Added “stamp” to the reading warning list.
You can also always check our weekly updates to see what we decided to add or not.
I have just tested this, as well as on a few other kanji and it seems to be working just fine
Sorry, but there’s misunderstanding a bit. You’re entering it when WaniKani asks for the reading, I’ve entered “na” when WaniKani asked for the meaning.
Oh I see, you are correct, I missed that the first time around. I’ll make a ticket for it.
I’ll add these also.
Update: Here are some changes we have made, thanks again for the feedback:
早々 - Added “early” as a visible meaning and moved “promptly” to the allow list.
構える - Added “to assume a posture” and “to adopt a posture” to the allow list.
慣 - Added “get used to” to the allow list.
血管 - Added “vein” as an alternative meaning.
段階 - Added “level” and “step” to the allow list.
岸 (kanji) - Added “beach” to the allow list.
術 - Added “skill” to the allow list.
含意 - Added “connotation” as an alternative meaning.
景 - Added “view” to the allow list.
渇 - Made “dry up” the primary meaning.
心願 - Added “earnest wish” to the allow list.
潔 - Added “clean” as an alternative meaning.
故障 - “Malfunctioning” was accepted by our typo leniency system, so we didn’t add it. We did however add “out of service”, “breakdown”, and “failure” to the allow list.
無茶 - We are discussing “nonsense” as a potential allowed meaning but in the meantime we added “unreasonable” and “ridiculous” to the allow list.
寄る - Added “to draw near” to the allow list.
突 - Added “sudden” as an alternative meaning.
故に - Added “for that reason” to the allow list.
所属 - Added “affiliation” as an alternative meaning, as well as “affiliated with” and “affiliation with” to the allow list.
創造力 - Added “creativeness” to the allow list.
精 - Added “refined” to the allow list.
I remember it as Japanese-like. I have experienced similar issues with synonyms/some of the meanings having changed. (~分 being one in recent memory).
You have an interesting suggestion, collecting our mistakes. I wonder if the new framework, the most recent update that has mostly annoyed most people, would make this possible.
EDIT: Also, @HotAirGun I would like to thank you for your hard work in this thread. I’ve now seen how many items you have posted and gotten updated/changed as a result of your efforts. Many thanks!
独創 - Added “creativeness” to the allow list.
一覧 - Added “look” and “glance” to the allow list.
復 - Added “revert” to the allow list.
一番目 - Added “first” and “1st” to the allow list.
動かす - Added “to move” to the allow list.
清潔 - Moved “cleanness” to the allow list, and added “pure”, “purity”, and “hygienic” to the allow list.
対外 - This would never actually be translated as “abroad”, it’s always “external”, “foreign”, “overseas”, etc., since it ends up as “対外 something”, essentially used as a sort of adjective.
Others are either on the way or still in discussion as the answer isn’t always straight-forward. You can also always check our Content Update pages to see what we have added in case I forget to mention any additions here.
Just to add another voice to this - this is what Duolingo does for example, and is indeed incredibly helpful. The comments in the discussion section can be up/downvoted (without a visible count for them) and the most popular/helpful comments and replies float to the top. This means that for sentences/words that lots of users have a problem with (for example being very similar to a different one or having a weird reading), you open the discussion tab and 99% of the time one of the top 3 comments is answering your question.
I appreciate this would probably be quite a bit feature to implement, but imo it would also be incredibly beneficial to a significant portion of users, and also possibly useful for the WaniKani team to, for example, see when a word/kanji needs a better explanation, context sentence, etc. if there’s a highly upvoted comment about it on that discussion board.
興 - Added “entertain” to the allow list.
雑費 - Added “misc expenses” and “sundry expenses” to the allow list.
肉欲 - Added “lust” to the allow list.
特質 - Added “attribute”, “quality”, and “feature” to the allow list.
非常 - Added “extreme” and “unusual” as alternative meanings and also reworked the meaning explanation.
勢い - Added “power” to the allow list, moved “vigor” to the allow list, and added “momentum” as an alternative meaning. (Also updated the meaning and reading explanations.)
絶える - Added “to cease” to the allow list.
敬 - Added “honor” to the allow list.
延びる - Added “to extend” and “to stretch” to the allow list.
貧乏人 - Added “the poor” to the allow list.
壊れ物 - Added “broken thing” and “broken article” to the warning list.