Class Project

So, my Japanese class has to do a performance for this international language festival. It can be anything, and I thought you guys would probably have some good ideas. Here’s some ideas the class was talking about:

-Sing a JRock or anime song. (This seems to be where it’s heading, but hopefully not because I can’t sing for shit…)

-A tea ceremony. I love this idea. But we’re not sure about the size of the audience or how that would work, if we’re going to pass out tea.

-Origami. Origami can be tricky, but maybe something simple?

-Oh hey, as I was typing this out, I just thought of caligraphy. Maybe if somebody used a brush on a large piece of paper, and the audience learn how to write the kanji?

What do you guys think?

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Kanji calligraphy sounds awesome to me!

I honestly like all these ideas!^^

Haha seems like a decent idea, I think I just like the other suggestions a bit more as far as what the audience can get out of it :slightly_smiling_face:

Soooo cool. Always wanted to learn how one works. I suppose they could watch you all conduct the ceremony and then you can hand out samples of tea for them when it’s over?

Also a cool idea! Can’t go wrong with a crane =)

Honestly, I think I love this the most ^^ especially thinking about it from someone’s perspective who doesn’t know anything/much about Japanese, learning how to write a character could be a really rewarding feeling! (and maybe even motivate them to want to learn the language for themselves :wink: )


You could maybe do the cheesy thing where you show the kanji for tree, and then forest to trick people into thinking that kanji makes sense.


I think the tea ceremony idea is the most original one, as it’s a part of traditional Japanese culture that most people are unfamiliar with. Also, I don’t know what other languages or countries will be represented, but certainly no one will be able to steal the tea ceremony idea. I mean, what if the Chinese group does calligraphy as well?

If it were me I would tell a 落語 story. I like story-telling, most people don’t seem to be aware of 落語 as opposed to other parts of Japanese culture, and I think it would be the most interesting option for the audience. Not only do they get to see a part of traditional Japanese culture but they get to enjoy a fun story. 落語 is traditionally accompanied by musicians playing along with it, so if any of your group members have musical talent they could do that.

You could also do a 紙芝居 story. It’s another important part of historical Japanese culture that very few people in the West are aware of. If anyone in your group has artistic talent they could draw the pictures for it, if not you could probably find and print some out. Also, unlike 落語 which requires complete memorization of the entire story, you can cheat and write notes or the entire script on the back of the picture slides. Traditional 紙芝居 was frequently improvised as well, so if you just make stuff up while performing that works too.

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I also think that rakugo is an awesome idea, but if they do it in Japanese, it will be lost for the audience.

Maybe they can have a system of “subtitles”. (People holding large boards with the translation)

You’ve clearly never seen me fold a crane! :rofl:
I always remember something a girl I went on student exchange with said when we were learning to fold the obligatory crane. “Now I know why I’m not God. I would have mangled all the animals”.


I met two Japanese natives who teach English in Japan using rakugo!
However, rakugo uses fewer people - whereas you could have a bunch of students demonstrating origami or calligraphy at the same time.


I think the Orgami idea would work well, give a 1 minute lesson on something simple, maybe a poster with some history about it, and the paper for people to try it, The students will remember it if they can take their crane or whatever home.

Another suggestion would be to teach students how to write their names in kana, may be on blank business cards and explain how business cards are properly exchanged in Japan.

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