Can't review stuff?

Had this problem for the last couple hours as well and just reviewed two items that I reviewed two hours ago (which were the two items that were shown to be available). It seems to be working again now, though.

for follow-up, my review just showed up and now everything is back to normal!!

Sweet! It’s the same here! =D

There were 16 failed processing of reviews in the last two hours, which led to a few people seeing inconsistency in the available reviews state. We have a couple contigencies in place to rescue these reviews, but it looks like the first contigency didn’t catch the errors since it was an error outside the scope of the error handling. The second contigency looks like its working, albeit it happens at a much larger time interval.

So basically we’ll do the following:

  1. Expand the error handling to accomodate the case which affected these 16 reviews
  2. Replay the 16 failed reviews to make sure they are registered.

TL:DR The people affected is a very small subset. We’ll fix it in the next hour.


it’s always good to know you’re not alone when issues occur, thanks viet!

I wonder if your case - since it’s just one specific item - is related to this case from before: Items not moving out of review pool after doing them - #10 by AnimeCanuck

@viet is this relation possible? Do they share the same/similar cause?

The issue has been identified. More info above ya.


It’s probably already been said, but when that happens - asking for meaning but it wants reading and vice-versa - do you have reviews open in another TAB? Sometimes that happens by mistake.
Clearing your browser’s cache also fixes it when this happens.

Fix is now live.


Thanks, Viet! You’re always awesome. You know that, right?

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I’m having this issue now. Something is very wrong.

I did 120 reviews today (bringing my total down from ~390 to ~270 - yes I’ve been slacking off), then after the lesson it suddenly jumped up to 374. My list of “recently burned items” has nothing from today, even though I burned at least 30 items.

I did a second review of ~15 items just now, burning a handful more, and my end screen said I reviewed one item, and brought my total down to 373 remaining. I still have nothing from today in “recently burned items”.

Are you running any third party scripts or extensions?

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After some experimentation, it turns out it’s caused by the WK Double Check addon. Sorry for the false alarm.


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