Can you help translate a few terms for me?

I’d like to translate some words from my site Can you help translate a few terms for me?

  • “Home” → “宅” ??
  • “Leeches Screensaver” → “蛭の壁紙” ??
  • “Leeches List” -->“蛭の列挙” ??
  • “Name” → “名” ?
  • “Worst [category]” → ?
  • “SRS” → “SRS” ?
  • “[number of] Wrong” → ?
  • “[length of] Streak” → ?
  • “Score” → “蛭の点” ?
  • “Login”" (as in button) → “ログイン” ?
  • “Logout”" (as in button) → “ログアウト” ?
  • “v2 API key” → ?
  • “Submit” (as in button) → ?


ホームページ - Homepage 宅 is not really used in daily modern life.
名前 - Name 名 is pretty much only used in poetic or literary senses.
点数 - Score, but you could just use XX点
スクリーン セーバー - Screensaver, 壁紙 is wallpaper

That’s a few that jumped out of me.


Thank you!

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