Can you choose what to do first on lessons?

To apply a specific schedule I recommend to have a look into the different SRS stages and in how WK level up works in general. The knowledge base is a good starting point.

  • It tells you that you need a certain amount of kanji to be in “guru” state to level up to the next level.
  • It also tells you the time intervals for each SRS stage. In the first two levels you have a little boost but beginning with level three the apprentice stages have intervals of 4h / 8h / 23h and 47h (…but you better double check as I have the tendency to mix them up :sweat_smile: )
  • Last but not least you need to know how many items you’ll have to learn during the given level and when (how) you’ll unlock them. This requires a little bit (… or a little bit more) of micro management depending on what speed you are aiming for. We do have a thread to help, in case you like.

By default WK serves you new lessons in the order by level and then by subject. This means, in case you have leftover items from a previous level those items will be served first. For items on the same level the ordering is radicals > then kanji > then vocabulary. Therefore, in case you have open radicals, they will be served before kanji. In case you have open kanji lessons they will be served before vocab lessons.

You can change the behavior in the settings of the app (settings > app):

It will not allow you to specifically prioritize any particular items. In case you want to do that you’ll need scripts. But in respect to your questions this is not necessarily what you are looking for anyway, if I understood correctly.

With all this amount of information, what to do to follow the advice with the “7am in them morning”-sessions? In case you like to go full speed you have a little bit less than seven days per level. Each level^ is divided into two batches of kanji. So the post you are referring to basically seems to suggest to do (radical +) kanji in the morning and then take your time with the already unlocked vocab items… but finish them before the second batch of kanji will be unlocked (because your radical are in guru state).

The summary I like most so far was written in a post by @seanblue senpai. It was a really cool breakdown relative to the total amount of items per level. But I can’t remember the thread it was in… Maybe they do and feel like sharing :slight_smile:

And I should clarify that I’m not making any statement on whether or not durtles should go full speed or not.

This summary tells you what kind of items you just have learned. It is the “lessons summary”. There also is similar kind of summary after each review session called “review summary” (or something similar).

^ Technically not each level as in the later levels there are so called “fast levels” that allow you to level up with the first batch of kanji already. But let’s keep it simple.