Campfire subcategories?

Seeing that Campfire is the category with the most new threads, maybe it needs some subcategories to ease navigation?

Some suggestions:

  • Forum games
  • Japanese culture
  • Personal life
  • Adult content
  • Travel, maybe

What are some other opinions on this? Is Campfire not suited to have subcategories? Do you have better ideas for subcategories?


In my opinion: Oh please no!
I find it harder to navigate the forum than easier with all the subcategories. No more, please!

(Although, that said, back when we had a ton of games going at once on the old forums, a separate section for games only couldā€™ve been useful. None really seem all that active anymore, theyā€™re not taking up that whole first page or anythingā€¦ but ā€œGamesā€ or ā€œForum Gamesā€ as one on itā€™s own wouldnā€™t be the worst thing to happen.)

You can ignore subcategiries by just clicking up here

There youā€™ll see all posts in ā€œWaniKaniā€, including all subcategories, so I donā€™t see how they make it harder to navigate

But, you see, if they add too many sub categories, people will be confused and may just ignore them.

I know, Iā€™ve done that sometimes, and sometimes I donā€™t. But I still end up with a whole bunch of unread threads and so on, and donā€™t even know where to begin.
Yes, thereā€™s also the ā€œNewā€ and ā€œUnreadā€ links, which Iā€™ve only just started using - those took me over a month of being on the forums practically constantly to even notice, though!

Anywayā€¦ there are a lot of things about the old forums I missā€¦ And sometimes Iā€™ve felt that these newer ones are over-organized.

Itā€™s okay to disagree. Iā€™m likely in the minority, although I do believe Iā€™m not the only one that feels this way about too many categories. Itā€™s come up in conversation before.

EDIT: Thanks, @magiconic.

No, please.

I am in favour


Hmmā€¦ I donā€™t use the categories much. I just read everything. But I do love organizationā€¦


I similarly wonā€™t use the subcategories much, but I would like them to be there nonetheless. xD

i like chaos. Iā€™m with AnimeCanuck on this one. Maybe a game subcategory would be okā€¦maybe.

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Just as reference for @Heiopei and anyone else who would like subcategories in Campfire, I just wanted to back up what I said earlier by pointing out rfindleyā€™s post here:

As well as this entire thread: Add a WaniKani forum subcategory for general discussion

So Rincewind, abertssquirrel, and I are not aloneā€¦ there has been some discussion pertaining to this before.

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I never even clicked campfire but somehow just have ended there sometimes. Anyway i usually just flee as fast as possible if i see subcategories, unless i really need to find something.

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