Biggest Realizations / Mind Blows You've Experienced Learning Japanese: Emoji means what?!?!

No idea, but it sounds like he has a weak understanding of evolution, if he boils it down to “random mutations” alone.


I can’t say I have. I’m curious, but I’m not at that level yet.

Yes that is generally how scientific understanding works. You have to educate yourself on the world in order to understand the nature of certain aspects of it.

Oh dear. It seems either you have massively misunderstood what evolution is, or you severely neglected to understand what it is.

… Ah.

You’re damn right.

In future, if you want to preach, please do it on an actual relevant thread. If there isn’t one, feel free to create your own. Not that I don’t enjoy religious/scientific debates. Just, other people probably don’t want to see that, and I don’t want my thread to become a battlefield for something that has no relation to what the thread is about.


I love the fact that the statements in that post bear no relation to this thread, to WaniKani, to the Japanese language in general, or even to each other.


Mind Blows i’ve experienced reading this fourm. Damac take a bow. It’s at times like these you wish there was an unlike button.

Reminds me of these people from the David Icke forums. (Link to a podcast episode about them, not a link to the David Icke forums.)

There is a “wow” in my remarks on this thread; both Japanese and English are thought to be “expressively complete” languages, any needed new concept can be formulated within them. Some languages, like Navajo, seem not to be. It takes some work to account for this. Mental ability and the the general universe are held to be outcomes of serially chaotic events, yet there is somehow a mutuality between the two so that one “understands [through theories]” the other. “Scientific understanding,” invoked by one commentor, is a tautology, like “unmarried bachelors.” Sorry, that’s not the knock-down argument you want it to be. I respect the utter diligence that being a 13 or 26 represents. And, of course, there is no mathematically respectable path from chaos to understanding what a 60 has done. It’s hard to be such cultured despisers of religion and show restraint in a thread like this. Let’s just bag it.

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You don’t understand evolution. It’s okay. No one commented on anything regarding religion.


Yeah wtf. Im so lost right now.

Bag up your thesaurus too; you’re trying to use it too hard.

I think this is just a troll trying to pull some r/iamverysmart kind of stuff, but either way lets move on.

To add to the thread…hm…well im a fan of No Game No Life. In it, the two main characters are named sora (空) and shiro (白). They always said “Together we are blank”, but I always assumed this just meant “together as a team” because that was what they called themselves. NOPE. 空+白=空白 (くうはく)which means blank.


Counting this as a troll post, good one.

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Roll some dice, then pick out all the ones that aren’t sixes and roll those again.
Repeat, and at the end you will be left with only sixes. Was it pure randomness?
For this to work, a simple rule was required on top of the randomness.
That is why evolution works. It’s not just randomness, there is in fact a simple rule:
We named it “Survival of the fittest”


You’ve only gone and confused us again.

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Or linguistics, there’s no such thing as a natural language that isn’t “expressively complete”. (Discarding Pidgins for this discussion).

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I knew the most insecure person would respond to a complicated sentence with malice.

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I do my best, @kanjinoppija. Thanks for your support.


Dripping with malice. Who do we tag to get the 悪気 mnemonic to link to your profile?


I was totally blown away when I first learned the vocab 絵文字 (えもじ)… as in picture + writing + character!

I’ve been using the word “emoji” when speaking English without even realizing it was a Japanese word :grin:


Testicles is 金玉




京 means capital. “Remember to pronounce it KYOU by thinking about Kyoto.”
goes to “upcoming vocabulary page”
sees Kyoto and Tokyo listed

…OH! So that’s why they both have KYO in them - they are/were both capitals!

(Also I never realized that the words are just opposites of each other - KyoTO and TOkyo. This amuses me for some reason.)


Technically they arent. The tokyo “to” is 東(とう) whereas kyoto’s is 都(と).


Dangit. I knew I read it too fast. :laughing: Thanks for pointing that out. Though I’m still surprised I never noticed the (spoken) syllables are just reversed!