Beyond Sleepy’s (pillow fort?) study log

I did my daily two pages of よつばと!

🍀🍀 20 & 21 🍀🍀

——— 20 ———

あっした からー なっつ やっす みー

(Singsong) the summer holiday starts tomorrow.

——— 21 ———


Who is that?


I haven’t seen this kid in the area before.

なんかかわつた… 外国の子…?

She’s a little strange… is she a foreign kid…?

それに… なにしてんだろう…

Besides… what is she doing…?

——— end ———

There wasn’t much text and (with the exception of なんかかわつた) I could read it without aid (well, if I didn’t make any mistakes) :upside_down_face: That feels nice :blush: