Beyond Sleepy’s (pillow fort?) study log


よつばと!vol1, cha4, pp138-139 🍀

——— 138 ———


It seems like it must be difficult looking for clothes as big as yours


No! Because it’s okay even if I’m naked!


Well then, thank you for collecting the TV


Yes! Be well!


Oh oh no! I fucked up due to nervousness! I said something weird didn’t I!?


Calm down, you acted as usual

——— 139 ———


What’s wrong?


Ah! Er Yotsuba, right now there was a really beautiful woman!


(Mispronunciation, could mean “questionable”)


It’s “beautiful”! Beautiful!


Beautiful… um…


Is Fuuka also (beautiful)? What is Fuuka?


N? ………A young woman


Wha!? What about “beautiful”!?


Well, (for) receiving (the TV)


Thank you beautiful young woman Fuuka

——— End ———

I’ve made a list of the kana only words haunting me in Anki. A lot of these I would get as part of a sentence but alone and out of context my brain just blanks on them…

Difficult kana words in Anki

つもり - intention

ほど - degree, extent

はず - should be, must be

こいつ - this (informal)

そんな - such (actions, ideas), like that, that sort of

より - than

そう - appearing that, seeming that

もらう - to receive

なる - to become

もう - now, soon, already, yet

くらい - approximately

しまう - to complete, to finish

せい - reason, cause

あれ - that (distant)

ちゃんと - sufficient, properly

まだ/また - not yet/again

かなり - considerably (I always think “particularly” which isn’t quite the same, but I also don’t know if the distinction translates to the Japanese word)

こちら - this (direction)

まるで - entirely, completely

こう - in this way, such

おかしい - strange, unusual (I’m prone to mix up any -しい without kanji)

どうせ - in any case, at any rate

どの - which

きっと - surely, most likely

せめて - at least

ただ - simply, merely

These are out of about 770 words currently in circulation so it’s not that bad on the whole, but it’s over half of the kana only words and my accuracy for young words in general is over 80% and for mature words is 90%, but for these it’s rather abysmal (though I don’t have a statistic ready). I’ve posted them here for the perusal of the curious and mainly so that I have a convenient place to do some extra study (with the spoiler feature).

extra study :books: