少女終末旅行 (Girls’ Last Tour)
The series follows two girls, Yuuri and Chito, as they navigate the ruins of civilization after an unknown apocalypse, and as they travel in their modified Kettenkrad, they seek food and supplies while surviving day-to-day. [Wikipedia]
Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/410771781X
eBook: 無料まんが・試し読みが豊富!電子書籍をお得に買うならebookjapan (has the first two chapters in full in the 試し見る.
Personal Opinion
I thought the anime adaption was interesting, if a bit slow. But I think the slow pace will work better in the manga than it did in the anime. I think it’s good for beginners, despite not having furigana (at least the first two chapters were very easy).
Pros and Cons for the Book Club
- No furigana, but the kanji overall isn’t bad (based on the first two chapters)
- Short chapters (usually 18-20 pages)
- Interesting setting
- Yet another slice of life manga.
First Few Pages of Chapter One
Additional Pages
Difficulty Poll
How much effort would you need to read this book?
- No effort at all
- Minimal effort
- Just right
- Challenging
- Impossible, even with everyone’s help
- I don’t know (please click this if you’re not voting seriously)