Beginner Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: 気になってる人が男じゃなかった // Next 葬送のフリーレン, then ウスズミの果て

It looks like Blue Box has been historically in the middle voting range since it was nominated so I don’t know if it’ll be picked any time soon, but if anyone ever wants to start a mini book club for the series I’d be interested! :badminton: :basketball:


I usually use the english titles when available and in this case the english title is “Kiyo in Kyoto”.

You mean Blue Box right?


yes my bad! I haven’t read either so they go in the same box in my head :sweat_smile:


By the way, why “at the latest”? I don’t think there’s any rush, so leaving it open for a full week to also allow people to vote who don’t check the forums regularly would be fine.


The time has come once again for me to vote solely for Blue Box

I’ve read it already but I’d happily participate in a dedicated book club if there is interest. I mean that’s my plan if it ever gets nominated anyway


Vote for Slow Loop! Learn how to fish, and be fed for the rest of your life!


I agree with this, for selfish reasons. I probably won’t have time to review all the summaries to decide what I want to vote on until the weekend.


That is wording that was in the previous posts so I kept it. I usually let the poll run until the end anyways so I will get rid of the “at the latest” phrasing. Thanks for pointing it out.

As it was not in the Natively database before I put in a request to add “Kiyo in Kyoto” and it was just added:


やめてくれ~ :weary:

Wouldn’t it make more sense to use the Japanese title in a Japanese reading club?

Otherwise, here are the others you can change so everyone loses:

Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu (English title, apparently)

Goodbye, Eri

You even used the JP title in the voting for this.

Not trying to be that guy, and I know the club has been run by a lot of different people, but I think this is important. Again, I’m not even in the clubs lately, so it’s something for y’all to discuss.


As everyone is buying the Japanese book, I agree. I think the English title is still useful though for nomination posts as people may not know words in the title.

Alternatively we can be completely unfair and put all the titles in Amharic:

የMaiko በኋላ ምግብ
Logica እና ኦቾሎኒ
ሰማያዊ ሳጥን
ብቸኛ 〇〇 ሕይወት


Why is Logica in English but Rakkasei isn’t? :thinking::eyes:


Bocchi says Urdu is fine.


:thinking: Good question, blame google translate

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Oh, I figure it’s because ラッカセイ means :peanuts:.

But is it translating the meaning or just changing the alphabet it’s using?

I’d say meaning based on the examples.


The Latin that displayed below was different so I’m guessing “Logica” may have just been considered untranslatable :thinking:

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Before I took over the club the nominations were all in english as far as I could tell. I’m not sure if that was a conscious decision or if it was just something that happened, but as long as there was an official english translation I would try to use that based on the precedence set. As with your specific examples some of them I did indeed just miss.

I honestly could not care less about the convention. If a majority of this club wants to keep the japanese titles we can do that. I would suggest to hold a poll after we have finished the current one.


I can’t believe this major plot twist is spoiled before we even started :cry:


The vote is up for another 54 hours. If you have not voted yet click the link below


I will be happy to try!


With “Kiyo in Kyoto” and Rojica and Rakkasei perfectly tied, is anyone else thinking of changing their vote to express their preference between the two?

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