Beginner Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: 葬送のフリーレン // Next: ウスズミの果て

The book clubs ARE moving the market after all :rofl:


Can you use Yomi-chan with any of these on PC? Or can I at least copy it? (So I can copy it into Google Docs and then use Yomi-chan).

@Nenad @Naphthalene

In this case, because the links in the quoted text are to the upcoming book (which is a short novel rather than manga), they are text files (technically XHTML files), which you may be able to copy and paste from.

The preview available from the eBook Japan link doesn’t allow selecting text, so I can’t say which readers do and do not allow selecting text. I recommend finding a book that has a preview available from the retailer of your choice, and see if you can select text from it in their reader. If you can, then you can with the upcoming book as well.


Yes nevermind I somehow thought those were links to ふらいんぐういっち.

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Has anyone read この美術部には問題がある? I think it might be a good difficulty for the club, and I thought the anime was pretty funny.

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I hadn’t heard of it before, but I was able to read and understand the first few pages on bookwalker. I’ll probably end up reading at least a volume even if the club doesn’t.


For my sanity, and to make things slightly less overwhelming for new readers… if you are an eBook reader, which service / vendor do you prefer to use these days?

  • BookWalker
  • eBook Japan
  • BookLive
  • Honto
  • Kobo
  • Kindle
  • Other (please tell me :sob:)

0 voters

I am considering removing e.g. eBook Japan given its recent decline in popularity (I’d rather not point new people to inferior services), but I’ll keep it if lots of people still get their books there.

What do people think - better to curate a shorter list of services generally agreed to be good, or provide as many options / shortcuts as possible? Happy to continue with lots of links if that’s what people want - we can always outline general recommendations in the OP.


Yes, I think that’s what I would prefer.

Just like you said, I’m thinking that new users might be overwhelmed with too many options, and we should point them to good resources so that it’s easy for them to start out with something good. (Because of this strong vendor lock-in, they might be reluctant to switch later.)

For those who already picked a vendor and want to stick with it, if that’s not on the list, then they usually know how to find the book there, I reckon, so it’s not as urgent for them.


Awesome, that’s exactly what I was thinking :grin: I just know it’s incredibly convenient if somebody has already provided the direct link, so I don’t want to take that away if it will be annoying for people. Will see what others say but thank you for saying exactly what I wanted to hear :wink:

Well, basically I just repeated what you had said before :wink:

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I knew there weren’t any actual Honto users out there! :eyes:


Oof. :eyes:

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I think what @Radish8 is trying to say is that kappa aren’t real and therefore your vote doesn’t count. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha, I actually voted after @Radish8 wrote that post, though. :sweat_smile:

Better watch your cucumbers :eyes:


Are there any particular reasons you guys like Kindle? I’m currently using ebookjapan (apparently the only one :joy:), but I’m curious about other services. I used to like ebookjapan because they had a lot of sales (either through points or off sales prices), but since they were taken over by Yahoo, it seems like they are mostly promoting Yahoo Premium for a monthly fee. I avoided using Kindle because I thought it would be a pain to switch between my US and Japan accounts.

Having switched a couple times on my Kindle tablet (not paperwhite), it is kind of annoying. Not the end of the world, but it would be nice if they supported multiple accounts being logged in at once. If I were ever to get a proper kindle paperwhite, I’d just always have it attached to my Japanese account since I don’t read ebooks in English anyway.

As for why I currently get stuff on Kindle… two reasons basically. First, it’s convenient to get everything (physical and digital) in one place. Second, a lot of the other websites don’t have proper app support for my U.S. region iPhone, whereas the Kindle app works just fine. Even though eBookJapan used to have their app available in the U.S. store, to my knowledge the new Yahoo version isn’t available.

Yes, unfortunately. I created a Japanese iTunes account to download the new eBookJapan app. It was a bit of a pain, but I didn’t want to lose my books, and after the initial hassle it works fine.

Honto users rep-ruh-zent! We can support each other in our lonely ebook reader choice!

There’s a “for real” joke in there, but my Japanese isn’t good enough for me to make it, so this’ll have to do… :laughing:


本当ですか? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yep, it’s convenient. I also found the Amazon interface to be easier to wrap my head around to start with, what with being used to my local version already, so that helped. (I tried one of the others before, which was it again…?)

I’ve another reader not from Amazon for my non Japanese needs that I hardly use because I prefer paper, so no need to switch accounts, either. :slight_smile:


Also right now I’m really looking forward to maybe getting kindle unlimited next time it’s promoted for that 3 mth/very little money deal. Every time I stumble upon a promising title that’s available there I save it in a dedicated wish list, haha.