I believe there was already enough time to vote on the poll related to the number of votes/user. Taking it into consideration, we shall now start the poll that will decide which book/manga we will be reading next
Please vote on whichever books/manga you would like to read as our next book/manga. Vote as many times as you wish
A brief description and a Store’s link for every option are available on the Proposed Books’ section of this thread.
- しろくまカフェ (Manga)
- 干物妹! うまるちゃん - Himouto! Umaruchan (Manga)
- ダース・ヴェイダーとプリンセス・レイア (Manga)
- 徒然チルドレン - Tsuredure Children (Manga)
- よつばと!- Volume 2 (Manga)
- チーズスイートホーム (Manga)
- ヒカルの碁 (Manga)
- ホリミヤ (Manga)
- Barレモン・ハート (Manga)
- メアリと魔女の花 - Mary and the Witch’s Flower (Book)
- マジック・ツリーハウス 第1巻恐竜の谷の大冒険 (Book)
- 魔女の宅急便 - Kiki’s Delivery Service (Book)
- こわくてたのしいおばけの話90 (Book)
- 絶叫学級 - Scary Lessons (Book)
- 時をかける少女 (Book)
- キッチン - Kitchen (Book)
0 voters