Beginner Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: ひとりぼっちの〇〇生活 // Next: ルックバック

Vote for the next book now!

Who can vote?

If you are interesting in joining the next book club we run, you can (and should) vote!

Please look under “Current Proposals” in the first post for more details on each of the options, including links to sample pages which will help you gauge the difficulty.

Please take difficulty into account

Some people do find that reading something they love or know already is motivating / makes it easier, but please be realistic. Don’t just vote for your favourite story without looking at the samples and comparing to others. Remember that both language and density contribute to difficulty.

Difficulty Scores

The number in front of each option is a difficulty score based on club members voting, where 1 indicates “no effort at all” and 5 indicates “so much effort my brain might explode”. These scores aren’t objective by any means, so please look at the sample pages of options you’re interested in if you have time.

When will we start and how many will we pick ?

We will likely begin reading on the 26th of September, one week after we finish reading フルーツバスケット. If a short manga (expected less than 8 weeks) wins we will also read the second place option afterwards without holding another vote.

List of "short" manga

At a guess, the following manga would be considered ‘short’. This is purely based on a quick look at the contents page - I’ll try to check any manga in the running more carefully once we have some votes in.

  • Shimeji Simulation
  • FukaBoku: Love Me For Who I Am
  • Nordic Girl Åsa
  • Rainbow-Coloured Photograph
  • Skip Beat!
  • This Art Club has a Problem!
  • Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun

The poll is now closed!

You can vote for up to 4 options. Nominations are for manga except where otherwise noted.

  • [2.55] Nordic Girl Åsa
  • [2.92] Ao’s Island and a Cat
  • [2.18] Shimeji Simulation
  • [2.53] Rainbow-Coloured Photograph
  • [2.31] FukaBoku: Love Me For Who I Am
  • [3.05] Skip Beat!
  • [2.67] This Art Club has a Problem!
  • [2.50] Magi
  • [2.61] Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
  • [2.92] Haikyuu!!
  • [2.71] My Hero Academia
  • [3.20] Great Detective Conan
  • [2.15] The Story of Kuuku the Bear Cub // Book
  • [3.14] Scary Lessons // Book

0 voters

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