日本昔ばなしアニメ絵本 18冊全巻セット - Japanese Fairy Tales - Set of 18 books
Classic Japanese Fairy Tales in a beautiful collection of 18 colorful books. Some of the most well known fairy tales from long long ago. Beautiful illustrations and stories as seen in the anime.
Amazon JP
No eBook to my knowledge.
Personal Opinion
Each book contains a separate Japanese Fairy Tale. These are the Classic Fairy Tales Japanese kids grow up with, and might be referenced or mirrored in other stories like we do with ours. So knowing them might both be interesting and have a value when reading other material.
This is a set of 18 books. They are easy enough that we could do one or two per week =)
Pros and Cons for the Book Club
- Interesting Japanese Culture
- Easy language
- Uses the Fairy Tale repetition at times, which helps with understanding and learning
- Kana heavy, rather than Kanji with Furigana
Difficulty Poll
How much effort would you need to read this book?
- No effort at all
- Minimal effort
- Just right
- Challenging
- Impossible, even with everyone’s help
- I don’t know (please click this if you’re not voting seriously)
0 voters
.* I butchered the template somehow, couldn’t get it to work ^^; *