Beginner Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: ひとりぼっちの〇〇生活 // Next: ルックバック

Poll for the next book is here!

Please see the “List of Proposed Books” section in the first post for the details for each book. Every book has a difficulty associated with it (based on book club member voting) out of 5, where 1 means “no effort at all” and 5 means “impossible, even with everyone’s help”. Please consider the difficulty when voting and you can check the first post for links to sample pages so you can gauge difficulty for yourself.

We will most likely begin reading on September 1st, one week after we finish reading Aria the Masterpiece.

I will close the poll on by Sunday, August 5th. You can choose as many options as you want. The difficulty based on the book club member voting is next to each option in brackets.

  • ご注文はうさぎですか (Is the Order a Rabbit?) [Manga] [3.36]
  • 絶叫学級 (Scary Lessons) [Book] [3.26]
  • のんのんびより (Non Non Biyori) [Manga] [2.81]
  • 名探偵コナン (Great Detective Conan) [Manga] [3.33]
  • Dragonball The Complete Edition [Manga] [3.00]
  • トラちゃん [Book] [3.59]
  • しろくまカフェ (Shirokuma Cafe) [Manga] [2.38]
  • 放浪息子 (Wandering Son) [Manga] [3.36]
  • 夏目友人帳 (Natsume’s Book of Friends) [Manga] [2.83]
0 voters

Follow up polls!