Beginner Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: 葬送のフリーレン // Next: ウスズミの果て



ときどき、自分のことが、わからなくなる。たとえば、みんなと笑い転げながら、ふっと、作り笑いしている自分に気づいたとき。相手によって、態度がころころかわっていたり、強気でいたかと思うと、すぐに弱気になったり……。こんなわたしでいいのかな? いつか、ほんとの自分がわかるのかな?
――わたし、朝比奈柚は、ダンス部と蓮先輩にあこがれて、流星学園中学校に入学したの。同じクラスの葵ちゃんは、意志が強くてカッコイイ。桃ちゃんは、笑顔がかわいくて、だれとでも仲良くできちゃうコ。自信がないのは、わたしだけ? でもね! ダンス部で、チーム・ギャラクシーに選ばれるようにがんばるよっ! 友情、恋、部活、すべてはこれから。柚の中学校生活スタート!

Half-rushed, not completely literal and kind of awkward English translation(so apologies for any mistakes/weirdness, and feel free to point it out):

Sometimes, I feel like I can’t understand myself. While everyone else is laughing, I suddenly notice myself letting out a forced laugh. According to others, my behaviour is changing rapidly, I may act really confident and then become timid right afterwards. I wonder if that’s okay? I wonder if my true self is changing?

I’m Asahina Yuzu and I have entered Ryuusei Academy Junior High School, which has the dance club I longed for together with Ren-senpai. The dermination of Ooi-chan in my class is really cool. Momo-chan’s smile is cute enough that she could become friends with anyone. Am I the only one that doesn’t have any confidence? But! I’ll do my best to be selected for the dance club’s “galaxy” team! Friendship, love, club activities… it all starts from here! This is the start of my junior high school life!


Ebook: 無料まんが・試し読みが豊富!電子書籍をお得に買うならebookjapan

Personal Opinion

I personally thought it seemed interesting, so I’m hoping someone else will find it interesting too. Judging by the first few pages, it also appears to be one of the easiest books I’ve tried to read.

Pros and Cons for the Book Club


Fairly easy and not as much text on each page as other books I’ve tried reading.


Is an actual book that is about 180 pages long, so much more text than in most manga.


First Three Pages of Chapter One

Additional Pages

Difficulty Poll

How much effort would you need to read this book?

  • No effort at all
  • Minimal effort
  • Just right
  • Challenging
  • Impossible, even with everyone’s help
  • I don’t know (please click this if you’re not voting seriously)

0 voters