Beginner Anime Club // Now Watching: ダンジョン飯

青い花 - Sweet Blue Flowers

Natively: Level 24



Fumi Manjoume enters Kamakura’s accelerated high school - Matsuoka All-Girls High School. While waiting at the Kamakura station on the day of her entrance ceremony, she runs into an old childhood friend whom she had not seen in 10 years: Akira Okudaira. As their friendship is rekindled and they start falling back into the rhythm of friends again, it starts a delicate love story…

暁のルナ’s Natively review:
“The vibe is definitely unique, and very relaxed. I haven’t read the manga, but it seems like it was a bit of an awkward adaptation, that at times felt slightly stilted. They could have called the show 片想い. Almost everybody is in love with the wrong person at some point.
That said, the characters, their emotions, and experiences of love, are all really well portrayed. Their behaviors, successes, and mistakes all feel very realistic. The characters in general are pretty likeable, and it’s very much a character-driven story. The ending left me wanting a bit more, and curious to read the manga. The two main characters are enjoyable, and quite different from each other. Fumi is a bit melancholic and withdrawn, but not held down by it. Akira (A-chan) is pretty genki, but also down to earth. You see them both grow over the series, but especially Fumi-chan, who slowly learns to be more assertive. They both care for and about each other a lot.
Language-wise there’s nothing particularly unique or challenging about it. Everybody speaks at a normal pace, the speech isn’t very slangy, and there aren’t super long monologues or anything. Might be a good watch after you’ve seen a few easier shows.”


Justwatch link
Crunchyroll blu-ray
Amazon DVD and blu-ray

Personal Opinion

I haven’t watched this one yet, but since we just watched a bl anime I figured we needed a yuri one to balance the scales, and this one was commonly recommended.

Pros and Cons according to 暁のルナ’s review:


  • Easy language (decent speed, minimal slang, no monologues)
  • Characters are realistic
  • Accurate depiction of love and emotions
  • Relaxed atmosphere


  • Awkward adaptation
  • Everyone being in love with the wrong person could be frustrating
  • Not on Netflix or Hulu : (




Additional Clips

anime gif blog.
