Became a tad overwhelmed

Check this thread. It’s a good one to identify and clear the leeches. The first step would be to break down what caused your problem. Leeches might be one of them.

Definitely don’t reset. It’s not going to solve your problem if you can’t identify them in the first place.
I wasted a year to get back to my original level.

If your problem is motivation, try distracting yourself with some manga, movie, drama, anime, or whatever to keep you motivated. Study a little bit of grammar and reading some graded readers. I suggest learning N5 materials. N5 reading is easier than reading manga as there is a lot of hiragana. You can also use DuoLingo or LingoDeer to make your life more fun. I know that doing WK is not fun (at least for me).

To reduce some stress, I turn off toast up/down and SRS level on FlamingDurtles so I don’t know what SRS level I get when finishing the item. Also, it makes me stop worrying whether or not the item level is up to Guru or not. Just finishing the review is good enough for me without worrying about the accuracy or level up.

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