(Back up) Floflo.moe - A WK-friendly website for reading

Small bug in beta SRS (probably in normal mode too) : the ‘;’ autofiller is also activated for reading note and definition note. To see the issue, create a note with a line break. After saving, the line break get removed and replaced by ‘;’

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Okay thanks for pointing that out. I’ll get it fixed soon

Also @TamanegiNoKame
You’re getting your reviews right?

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Yeah. Haha, no complaints on that front. I have one hundred and something today.

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Yeah it’s 1,000 words due that I split across over like two and a half weeks but that’s still gonna be a lot.

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Update 7/9 - Guess Marking

If anyone has any problems please report them and I will pull the update. I consider this extremely unessential to the website.

This update is a response to criticism I’ve gotten. Any word that doesn’t have an exact match in the dictionary is considered a “guess.” Most often this is for words that have kanji but are written in hiragana for whatever reason. Example: 書く written as かく. No dictionary on earth can tell you what かく means but they can give their best guess. Floflo does this as well.

There’s been some updates related to this. Anyway, here’s a screenshot.

Yes, I do see that typo

New Features:

  • Guess badges
    • A badge is now added to the top of every word considered a guess
    • A guess is any word that doesn’t have a direct equivalent in the dictionary
    • An ambiguous badge is shown when there are many possible meanings for a word
  • Toggle-able “guess” options:
    • One (default): Shows the first guess and hides the rest on the table
    • All: Shows all guesses (well, up to five)
  • Change frequency and wanikani level without refreshing
    • Just click the dark, numbered part of the icon


  • Lightning mode automatically disabled on lessons

Bug Fixes:

  • There shouldn’t be any more items like “5. () some definition”
  • Percentage indicator no longer appears behind undo icon (beta srs)

Anyway, hopefully this will clear up some of the confusion people have when they first start using the website.


I don’t know if it’s related, but the unknown word count is completely out of whack.
All books now have more unknown words than actual unique words.

Edit: just to be clear, it seems fine on the word list page for individual books.
Just the summary page seems to have some trouble.

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Note about the update: is it really ambiguous if all definitions are the same?


Fixed it for logged in users. There’s a little tweaking I gotta do for not-logged in thought.
I store the data in cookie form for a bit so once that expires it’ll go back to normal.

Type: setCookie(‘allBookData’, ‘’, -1); into the console if you want it to fix now. Otherwise it’ll fix in an hour

Yeah dawg like what kanji am I supposed to learn :cry:

Okay cool everything’s fixed. Back to Flowers.


Enjoy :wave:

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A few problem with the interface:

  • Somehow Hataraku maou sama has the wrong slug :confused: it’s the same as re:zero…
  • The interface does not show how many words are unknown at the current frequency which was the whole point for me.

Copied it over wrong. It’s fixed now.

Ok sure. I changed it. Changing your frequency will delete your data cookie now which lets the page get fresh data again. So just change your frequency and it’ll work the way you wanted it to from now on.

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Thank for the high reactivity :smiley:
Just one little thing: I didn’t meant to remove the total unique word count actually.
The script was displaying the info as unknown words (current frequency)/ total words (current frequency) (total unique words), so now I’m missing the third one :sweat_smile:
If it’s not too much trouble, do you mind adding it too? :pray:

Oh yeah, forgot that your script does all three.

I pushed something through. You’ll have to change your frequency again to clear the cookie.

Anyway the values you need are: unique, unknown, unknown_custom (which factors in minimum frequency).

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I think this will make a huge difference to helping people understand what they’re looking at. It looks great to me so far!

Could we maybe get rid of the hand cursor for the unique / unknown / of icons? I think it would make it more clear that you can click the frequency / WK level ones.

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Ok, the script’s update is live:

The script now loads much faster (since it has a lot less to do).
Syntax was changed to unknown-word-current-freq (unknown-words-freq-1) /total-unique-words which is a better descriptor anyway.

One question, though: I noticed a discrepancy between those values and the ones in the actual word lists. Ex: for snow white, it tells me that I have 19 unknown words at the current frequency, but the list gives me 18. Actually counting them by hand gives me 17… :confused:

I’ve got a couple of suggestions of some easier books to consider including if you’re looking to bridge the gap between Snow White and Night on the Galactic Railway. I don’t know that they’ll actually be shorter in terms of unique words, and it’s possible lack of kanji will actually make them tricky, but I thought they might be worth considering.

They’re both from Aoitori.

The first is The Mysterious Town of the Fog. Apparently this is the book that partly inspired Spirited Away, which might make people interested in reading it. It’s listed on Aoitori as 3rd Grade, where Tokimeki Library is 4th, and it looks to be about 80% of the length. Also, this older version inexplicably says ‘Killing fish bugs’ at the top of the page, so I feel an urge to know more.

The second is Flanders no Inu, which is listed as 2nd grade. There’s also Mr Rob Rabler, which honestly looks funnier (I can’t even work out what it’s about, really - some rocks have been murdered?!), but the (google translated) description of the Flanders one says that one of the characters was “subjected to ignorance by firebugs”, which intrigues me. It’s even shorter than the above, too.


Sounds pretty good. I’ve been wanting to do an Aoi Tori poll because I keep putting up adult stuff that most people can’t read.


Well, people can still vote for my aoitori recommendation in the current poll D:<

But more seriously, yeah, it would make sense to add a lot more stuff on the easier end, or a bunch of people won’t be able to enjoy floflo…

I voted for it!

Also, other people are actually voting for Dr Doolittle! Even if it never gets put up I feel less ridiculous. win

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Speaking of that, I checked again Hataraku Maou sama. At frequency 2, the script gives me 109 unknown words, the table 21, and counting 20 (those are the ones I ignored while reading since they were misparsed, but at the same time I may want to learn them from another book…).
Again, it’s not a big problem, but it is strange…