Back to the start!

no shit. even a poor teenager would be cool, with just enough cash for an old laptop and wk :slight_smile:


But that’s already me :sweat_smile:
Am I cool? :open_mouth:


your mitochondria are sexy, and life is coming out of your ears. i envy you :sunny:


Yaaaaaay ^^ I think…


definitely (๑・㉨・๑)
i like my current stage of life, too. not so much time, but i can shop around on amazon, that’s helpful.


No you’re all good.

Essentially what happened is after I reset my level I just lost all my motivation, and really just fell off all my Japanese studies. it was also right after I bought Lifetime so the fact that I wasn’t paying for every month I procrastinated didn’t help.
Recently though I found an old google doc I wrote back like four years ago to keep myself motivated that I totally forgot about, and it’s reminded me why I studied in the first place. I opened WaniKani for the first time in a long time yesterday and decided it was time start again.

Hopefully this time I make it in the long run. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::sleepy:


頑張って!Good luck!

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Again, sorry :sweat:
Good to see that you’re back!


I’ve been trying to say this in other threads. The dangers of buying a lifetime subscription. I’ve seen many people who think it’s best and cheaper in the long run, but at what cost? In most cases people tend to slack off and take a slower pace, because there’s no limit. But when you fall out of your routine it’s very difficult to get back into it.

That’s why I think a yearly subscription is best, because it keeps you motivated to come back every day and make the best out of your money. If by any chance you can’t finish in a year or less, buy a couple extra months or even another year. It will still be cheaper than the lifetime subscription.

Unless you go at it thinking you’ll be doing this for several years, then you know what to expect, and your motivation won’t suffer.

It’s just my observation from what I’ve been seeing in the forums.

Hope you find your pace and keep a routine. Good luck in your studies :wink:

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