AZERTY and QWERTY keybords


I have a suggestion that would be life changing for me and other french Wanikani users.

For some reason, french keyboards use the AZERTY disposition of keys instead of QWERTY like the rest of the world, but when i set my keyboard to type in Japanese, it switches to QWERTY. So in order to type わにかに, i have to type zqnikqni…

I don’t have this issue when doing my reviews on Wanikani since i don’t have to switch my keyboard to Japanese.
It sounds like a good thing but it trains my muscle memory to type japanese using AZERTY and keeps me from getting used to QWERTY :frowning:

It’s super confusing to have to type watashi on Wanikani and ztqshi everywhere else :exploding_head:

It would be awesome if it were possible to switch Wanikani to QWERTY.

I hope the explanation is clear, my english is not very good😅


I think WK does not care about your actual keyboard layout. You could just switch your computer to using an English keyboard when doing your reviews, and that should do the trick.

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It’s QWERTY, but basically the reason is that the distribution of letter frequencies is different in French. They’re arranged to put the more-used letters in more convenient positions, which pushes the lesser-used letters out to the fringes. (They’re also arranged to prevent typewriter keys from jamming, and we’ve kept it as-is because of tradition.)


面倒臭い :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
But i guess i don’t have a choice :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the correction, i edited the post !

Not quite following, why do you switch to japanese keyboard at all for reviews if it’s not working properly? Why not just do your reviews with a french keyboard and just type your answers in romaji?

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Even if it’s troublesome to constantly change the keyboard language between meaning and reading, you could use the Japanese IME for the readings instead of an English keyboard because that way it also gives you practice for the Japanese keyboard directly, and then you can switch back to the French one for meanings.
I know it isn’t that troubling to type English on AZERTY (and weirdly enough QWERTY keyboard are so hard to find in France, even some imports listed as QWERTY are switched to AZERTY once they get sent to you) as opposed to Japanese keyboard which doesn’t give you the choice but to use qwerty if you want to use the IME. The M getting sent to the “,/?” key and all the ponctuation keys being in different places than on the french keyboard is so frustrating.

His problem is that he is typing his reviews on AZERTY because wanikani automatically transforms the romaji into kana, but on any other websites/software he has to use the IME, so QWERTY layout, and he thinks wanikani might cause problems with his muscle memory because it is “training” him to type Japanese on a layout he won’t be able to use outside of wanikani.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to just change your japanese keyboard layout to AZERTY instead? Some quick google searches led me to this: Japanese input with Azerty in Windows 10 | Blue Blue Wave


BlockquoteHis problem is that he is typing his reviews on AZERTY because wanikani automatically transforms the romaji into kana, but on any other websites/software he has to use the IME, so QWERTY layout, and he thinks wanikani might cause problems with his muscle memory because it is “training” him to type Japanese on a layout he won’t be able to use outside of wanikani.

Ah, I see, thanks for the clarfication. :slight_smile:

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