Aria the Masterpiece: Chapter 4 Discussion

Heh heh heh :smiling_imp: seriously though, I’m sorry - it’s so ingrained it doesn’t even register

I have a small grammar question / clarification request if anyone is able to help me out!

Page 118

Panel one from the top, left-hand speech bubble

In describing the cat, アリシア says 牡牛くらい大きい黒猫だそうよ. I’m guessing this means ‘a black cat about as big as a bull’? Is putting [noun くらい adjective] a particular grammatical construction?

And… I guess while I’m on this page :sweat_smile: in the bottom panel, right-hand speech bubble, she says 入れないらしいけど, which I assumes means that humans aren’t allowed in, but I don’t think I’ve come across that らしい ending before :thinking: anyone able to illuminate me?

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