Finally made my way over here too! Hey all
せっかくなんで「リ」の解析させてもらいますよ~/Since I’m here anyway I’ll do I!
Transcription: 脱水症状もないのに点滴を打つなんて日本だけですよ
脱水症状(だっすいしょうじょう)dehydration; 脱水 on its own means dehydration as well, but is used for e.g. washing machines (the spin cycle) - for the medical condition, add 症状 (‘symptoms’).
点滴を打つ(てんてきをうつ)to put someone on an IV; to be put on one is 点滴を受ける/打ってもらう.
~なんて things like ~;
“Administering an IV when you’re not even dehydrated only happens in Japan”.
Of course you don’t have to be dehydrated to get a drip - the も after 脱水症状 is there to include (or, since it’s a negative sentence, exclude) any other possible indications.
Earlier in the comic there was a frame of Saitou having an IV after a tiring shift - oh the irony.
Totally didn’t take me a embarrassingly long time to figure out the hide details thing…