April 29th Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく Manga


The senior Doctor continues:. ここから先は正直言って本人の生命力しだいです


Typo fixed, thanks YanagiPablo!

Vocabulary and Analysis

ここから先(saki)は From here onward (literally after);
正直言って(しょうじきいって) honestly, or to tell the truth. 正 (masa) positive; 直 (jika) straight. This isn’t the character that’s written, but it’s the closest that I can come, I think it’s a font difference for this Unicode character where they write it more old fashioned, with 3 compartments and sitting on an L-shaped “chair”.

本人(ほんにん) the person himself
生命力(せいいのちりょく) life force, vitality; 命(inochi) life; 力 (chikara) power, Force.
しだいですdepends; 次第(shidai) depend, up to.

This is one of those Japan versus US, where Japan refers to a person’s “vitality”, sort of chi; and in the US, we say it depends on his “will to live” (because if you put your mind to anything…). I left it “vitality”.

肺塞栓(はぃすくせん) pulmonary embolism
を起さずwithout causing; Verb 起こる to occur (okoru).
回復(kaifuku) recovery
できる【出来る】to be able to
かどうか(conjunction) whether
心不全(shinfuzen)もあるし will also have heart failure. The ending し is to “make the point”.

K Interpretation
Doctor: From here onward, to be honest, it depends on a person’s own vitality

whether he can recover without having a pulmonary embolism (or) heart failure