Here is frame G, so the page is completed
Some of the medical terms weren’t even in my Japanese input method…
- 肝硬変【カン・コウ・ヘン】: cirrhosis of the liver (肝=liver; 硬=stiff,hard; 変=change)
- 食道【ショク・ドウ】: oesophagus (食=eating, 道=way); note: the word is an homophone of 食堂
- 静脈瘤【ジョウ・ミャク・リュウ】: varice, varicose vein (note the quite uncomon “myaku”) ; it is actually 静脈(vein) + 瘤(bump)
- 食道静脈瘤 : oesophagial varices
- 破裂【ハ・レツ】: explosion; rupture; break off
- 肝性【カン・セイ】: I don’t find the word in my dictionaries, but 肝=liver, 性=nature, genre.
- 昏睡【コン・スイ】: coma (the medical coma, not the “,” )
- 合併【カッ・ペイ】: amalgamation; consolidation; but 合併症 = complications (in an illness) ; so maybe here 合併する : develop into a complication ?