API Version 2 changes in regards to SRS stages

But would WaniKani become TOO powerful? Even the Crabigator can only hold so much might…

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That’s blasphemy!


If the Crabigator is so almighty, could he create a vocab lesson so difficult even he can’t Guru it?


I don’t know what was your previous lvl, but you should get some listening practices through podcasts or YouTube videos. That should help more. I’m not super good at remembering the reading, so when I hear something familiar on YouTube I will be like, “Eh? Is that what I think it is?” It also helps that Japanese people puts a lot of japanese subs!

Yes, but at the same time he could guru it


I think we’ve rediscovered Russell’s Paradox…

The correct conclusion is that reality is not a system capable of reasoning about the Crabigator.


And the main positive side of this hour less is not that reviews will appear one hour earlier each time but that if you have a regular schedule but sometimes do your reviews one hour late (or part of them when you have a lot), the next review will again be at your usual review time.


I agree with you . At first I was trying to go full speed. Now entering the 20 something levels , I understand why Wanikani calls it the “Death” levels. I am starting to slow down a bit because the memorizing part gets a bit harder.

At the same time , I also started Genki 1 a couple of months ago , and together with WK, it does make a more gratifying experience. Knowing how to make sentences is just as important as understanding kanji and vocab.

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Unlike all the people here worried about speedrunning, I hope the support for multiple SRS systems means I can have slightly less spread out intervals for the higher stages and have some more stages after enlightened (or don’t completely stop repeating them at burned level). I occasionally have to resort to using a script to unburn some of the rarer kanji, but this has the problem of entirely resetting it to apprentice while ideally I’d just like to bump it down slightly (this would be way better for memorization too).


You’re not the only one that already did post.


I sometimes question why we have to bring radicals to burn. Most of them are either names that the WK team made up themselves (such as “cat pirate”) or the same name as the kanji (such as “heavy”). This means that we don’t need to “burn” those names in our memory.

My suggestion is to make the radical SRS stages simply Apprentice-Guru-Master-Burn (what would be Enlightened for kanji and vocab), or perhaps even Apprentice-Guru-Burn (what would be Master for kanji and vocab).


I just cheat on radicals and look them up if I know they’re coming up to burn and I can barely remember them (but mostly they’re easy, so there’s no need)

Imo the only important thing on WK is the vocabulary, even kanji is useless on its own


I think it’s fabulous that you really take our comments into consideration and change plans based on those comments. Yay for you! :slight_smile:

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Yes, I also cheat on radicals. But we’re discussing how each item may potentially have its own SRS timings in the future, so in that context I was suggesting accelerated radical burning.

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@viet @oldbonsai It would be important to know for development purposes which of these statements will remain true. I am hopeful that the last three will still remain, but I would much rather know instead of living under the possibility that they will not. Thank you in advance if you respond.

  1. All items in WaniKani will progress through at least one stage in all existing SRS categories.
    If this were no longer true, skipping categories would be allowed, which may create an assumption that resurrection of a burned item to any category would also be allowed (unless it will be)

  2. All items in WaniKani in the review stage will progress through stages in no other categories than Apprentice, Guru, Master, Enlightened, and Burned.
    If this were no longer true, counts of how many items are in each category could no longer exist.

  3. Items in WaniKani are considered to be “learned” for the sake of level-up and new lessons after completion of the first SRS stage category.
    If this were no longer true, it would no longer be possible to know when an item has been “learned” according to WaniKani.

  4. Items in WaniKani will follow a set of rules, predetermined to that item, to determine their SRS stage, even if there are multiple SRS systems.
    If this were no longer true, it would no longer be possible to know what SRS stage will come next after a review according to WaniKani.

Take a look at Viet’s announcement about the changes and new structure.

A lot of your questions are based around the categories (Apprentice, Master, Guru, Enlightened, Burned). Those categories are groupings of the numbered stages. Since those numbers will be variable and the categories will lose meaning, we’re going to phase the categories out.

So, here are specific answers.

  1. True until we introduce other spaced repetition systems. Then false.
  2. Same.
  3. False, but it’s clear to know when something is considered passed: the passed_at timestamp on the assignment object. You can also tell what the passing stage is for a particular item by looking at the passing_stage_position on the SRS object.
  4. Always! Otherwise, we wouldn’t know, either. As things stand, we’re using the same algorithm that we’ve always used: we increment the stage by one if you get things right, and decrement it based on the number of wrong answers and how far along you are. If we change that expectation, we’ll figure out a way to expose the different algorithm for each system.

I can’t wait to see on WaniKani Preview how the website will present the items for each stage now. However, this was very useful, thank you!

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