Anyone tried Kanken?

Is there a CroKen?


Couldn’t find it, but there is a “Crocheting Teacher Certificate” :sweat_smile:


Now you got Leebo interested


Off-topic, but the 「漢検」 in the title caught my eye


Damn, that’s near where I live


for reference and use of anyone who is interested in Kanken

[a database of proverbs and classic expressions that can be used for questions in the 8th section of the Kanji Kentei level 1 test]


so far i heard only about 3 “foreigners” (i.e. non-native Japanese speakers / non-native kanji learners)
who managed to pass the Kanji Kentei level 1

however, though it may not always be safe to judge people’s background based on their names, there are reasonable grounds to assume that this person who took the test in Akita pref. might have become the fourth one

(as per the official Kanken magazine vol. 34)


What’s that?

biannual kanji and kanji kentei-related magazine published by the Kanji Kentei Association


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Anyone have a link to the most common kanken level 2 yojijukugo? I’ve been searching online but I can’t find one.

The best way is to buy a textbook for level 2 and write down the ones appearing there.
Chances are high that even from these only the most common ten are used.

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I have the level 2 step book and that is my fall back plan, but for level 2.5 I was able to find a blog post from someone who went through the last 25 tests and made a list of the most common 50 with definitions in English and Japanese. Then I was able to write a python script with downloaded the data and made them into anki cards. It saved me the time of manually entering them. I was hoping to find something similar. If I can’t I’ll just look in the back of the book at the yojijukugo section and use the ones there.


there are two games on nintendo 3ds of this kanken

has anyone tried them?

If you search inside this post you can several comments about them.

In short:
@Leebo used to complain about the kanji recognition algorithm.
Me and @Avenger2000 complained about how often the questions repeat themselves. (even though the game lets you know there are questions you haven’t answered correctly yet)

All in all, I find the games worth it. The questions are clearly based on exam frequency, so once you start to consistently get passing scores on the game, you are likely to be able to get pretty decent scores in the actual exam.

Major flaws would be the already given letter recognition (once you get used it’s fine, but sometimes it can really piss you off), the repetition of questions (I assume high-frequency ones?) while there are unanswered questions left, and the fact they don’t recreate the minor adjustments of how the exam questions are chosen (in short: the same kanji may be asked in two different sections, essentially giving you hints about the answer)

Also the fact it tells you right away if you got a question wrong (in opposition as once you’ve answered all questions) can also give you unintended hints and lead to scores higher than they would be on the real exam, but that’s not necessarily a problem, study-wise.

I have no regrets in buying it. I did complete my studies with books, but the DS games definitely had their role.


Planning to try the new Switch one soon.


Aaaaaah! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Would you mind sharing the deck?

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Sure, I’m going to go through my book this weekend and add the level 2 cards, then I’ll share it. It will have both levels and each card tagged.


didnt know there was a switch version.

I tried the game on 3DS and it is not for me, barely understood what was being asked lmao. Only for top hardcore who really want understand the language. I am more casual.

@SyncroPC gave a good overview on the DS games. The style of questions is effectively exactly the same as the Kanken itself, so it’s really just a matter of how much more efficient it can be than using a book. Did you have any other experience with Kanken?

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It’s a pretty good deal for higher levels but an amazing deal for lower levels. I might get it.