Any words of wisdom for a recently subbed guy?

So many words of wisdom!

I’d like to give you a fair warning from someone that had to reset down because he just couldnt do it no more.
Not me though. It’s, eh, a friend.

I think consistency is the key. There’s really no benefit to doing all your lessons at once (Other than radicals, because they’re a speed bump).
Figure out how fast you wanna go. If you’re doing 20 lessons every day, you get to do atleast 200 Items every day once you start burning things. More depending on how high your %'s on reviews are.
Include into that and you’ll get another ~140/day.
Missing a single day, as others have pointed out plenty, and having to face more than 400 reviews can be pretty discouraging.

20 Items/Day gets you to ~8days/Level.
(You can put hypothetical speeds into wkstats to see by when you’d reach certain milestones)
Personally I wouldn’t recommend going any faster than that unless you have alot of time.

If you plan on going at a healthier pace, like 15 lessons per day (~11 Days/Level) or 10 Lessons per day (~16 Days/Level), you don’t need the reorder script. Otherwise I’d definitely get it.