Anki Word Frequency Inserter: Learn most common words first

Apparently, it can be done natively with Yomichan, by adding a new template.

  • Enable Advanced Yomichan settings,

Advanced Yomichan settings

  • Configure Anki card templates…, at the bottom

  • Add a new template
{{#*inline "frequency-innocent"}}
    {{~#if (op ">" definition.frequencies.length 0)~}}
        {{~#each definition.frequencies~}}
            {{~#if (op "===" dictionary "Innocent Corpus")~}}
  • Configure Anki card format…, and type in {frequency-innocent} for where you want this data. (It doesn’t seem to appear in the dropdown.)
Actually, I have another edit for Pitch Accent.
{{#*inline "pitch-accent-list"}}
    {{~#if (op ">" pitchCount 0)~}}
        {{~#if (op ">" pitchCount 1)~}}<ruby lang = 'ja-JP'>ol<rp>(</rp><rt><span class='spoiler'>{~/if~</span></rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>}
        {{~#each pitches~}}
            {{~#each pitches~}}
                {{~#if (op ">" ../../pitchCount 1)~}}<ruby lang = 'ja-JP'>li<rp>(</rp><rt><span class='spoiler'>{~/if~</span></rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>}
                    {{~> pitch-accent-item-disambiguation~}}
                    {{~> pitch-accent-item format=../../format~}}
                {{~#if (op ">" ../../pitchCount 1)~}}<ruby lang = 'ja-JP'>/li<rp>(</rp><rt><span class='spoiler'>{~/if~</span></rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>}
        {{~#if (op ">" pitchCount 1)~}}<ruby lang = 'ja-JP'>/ol<rp>(</rp><rt><span class='spoiler'>{~/if~</span></rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>}

That is, else clause for “No pitch accent data” is deleted.

However, I am not sure if frequency can be added to existing Kanji cards as well?


Interesting, thanks for sharing! This looks useful for new cards.
Though if you already have many cards where the frequency field should be fixed, I don’t think you can batch-fix it with Yomichan (as you mentioned).

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I’m getting this error when trying to connect: (BCCWJ version offline)

Warning: ankiInserter.ankiSearchQuery doesn't include ankiInserter.ankiFrequencyFieldName.
You probably forgot to adjust the query or the frequency field name :)

Expression field and frequency are both correct. Any ideas?

EDIT: Okay, now it just miraculously started working without me changing anything :person_shrugging: Took a while to update 25k cards as well.

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