[Android] Smouldering Durtles (v1.2.0) - native app with offline lessons and reviews, plus themes and script-like features!

I’m glad to hear it - I was about to ask you if it was a new S series device, but then I realised your username matches your email address and so yes, it’s the same issue.

I’m not sure why a reinstall would be necessary, unless the switch between devices is attempting to carry over some data. Good to know that a reinstall resolves though.

Hmm, I guess I could theoretically add a delay in as described, but I’d probably have to do so as another optional toggle below the alternate toasts, because I suspect as many people who might like that would would also hate that it slows them down.

Another thing I noticed is that they appear in the “question area” of the screen. So some times, they are hard to read, as the toast and next question overlap (especially with the “Action for “close enough” answer: Accept and show a toast”, which tends to be wordy.

How about moving the toasts below the “answer area”? That way the delay may not be necessary as it would be less disturbing to the “question area”?

I turned on the “Stretch the question view to fill the screen when keyboard input is active” setting under Display Settings. It makes it so there’s a lot more room for the toast so you see fewer layout issues.

Thank you. It improves the layout, but since the toast with alt-meanings shows in the question area, I find it still confusing.