[Android] Flaming Durtles - Android app with offline support

How about a true black/AMOLED theme? Basically how it is now, except with a #000 background instead of dark gray?

@ejplugge oh so you are the guy who made the wani app on Android!
from long time ago I was using another app on Android, then came a long hiatus. When I came back I was so surprised and worried that the app I was using to do wani reviews on android had gone.
Then I found Flaming Durtle and it has helped me so much since then.
Thank you!

That wouldnā€™t be hard, Iā€™ll put it on the list. Would changing the background to full black be the only thing to change for a new black theme?

(Insert standard disclaimer about how Iā€™m colourblind and I need guidance for any changes to the app that involve coloursā€¦)

Iā€™m happy the app is working well for you, all the positive feedback is great!

But I have to mention that Flaming Durtles is not the Android app for WK. Itā€™s the app of choice for many people on Android, but until the WK folks publish their own apps, there is no such thing as an official ā€œtheā€ app except the WK web site itself.


copy that :blush:

Using the Dark Breeze as a base, Iā€™d say yes - the background is the major bulk of the pixels on the screen, especially during reviews.
I think a completely black background instead of the 1 or 2 different grays used in the Dark Breeze theme would be sufficient.
The slightly grayish-white color used for most of the font is fine and the colors of the SRS stages are fine as well. And theyā€™ll probably look nice next to the turned off pixels.

Sure, you could for example add more black pixels by inverting the SRS stage squares and the count: black ā€˜squareā€™ (with a fine white/gray border maybe) and have ā€˜Apprenticeā€™/ā€˜Guruā€™ and the number in the stage color, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s really necessary.

Okay, thanks. Iā€™ll have a look at it.

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Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s in the API, but could you add a feature to resurrect burned items. Basically, I was bad and stopped studying for about 6 months. I found I forgot quite a few of my burned items. So I created a quiz to test all burned items and I am manually switching back and forth with my browser to resurrect any item I answer incorrectly.

What would be really nice is if on the summary page of the quiz I could click a button resurrect all missed burned items as well.

Unfortunately, I canā€™t. The API does not expose an endpoint for this. Itā€™s been requested repeatedly, but I have no idea if and when weā€™ll get it.

If the WK devs decide to add it to the API, I will definitely add support for features similar to what you suggest.


Thanks. Thatā€™s unfortunate it doesnā€™t exist yet.

Version 1.21.0, 2020-05-29:

  • Option to extend or reduce the time covered by the timeline bar chart, including horizontal scrolling if applicable.

  • Add background colouring of text in mnemonics. Instead of showing tags like <kanji> and <radical> in the subject info as bold text, show the text in the colouring appropriate for the selected theme (as is done on the website).

  • Add a ā€˜Black Breezeā€™ theme that is almost identical to ā€˜Dark Breezeā€™, but with fully black backgrounds. This can look better on some OLED-type displays. Note: for now only the background is changed. I donā€™t want this theme to drift significantly away from Dark Breeze, but let me know if it needs some tweaking.

  • Some cleanup of old code after some heavy recent refactoring.

Not a big update this time, I wanted to get some spring cleaning done after 1.20.


Thanks for including the highlighting update. Just waiting now for it to show up on the app store. Just added a 5 star review for you on the play store.

Just wanted to share some minor bugs Iā€™ve found as Iā€™ve been utilizing the app more.

Just found an issue where the last item was cutoff making it hard to click. It just happened to be the word I wanted to look at the details of.

Also, I decided last night to use my phone with a keyboard and mouse. I found that in landscape, the text seems to always be squished for the item under review even with the keyboard hidden.

As a feature, it would be nice to have the area where the reviews are displayed stay static in size. Itā€™s kind of distracting for me that the window and words/kanji keep changing size every time I go to the next item.

Also, the app updates look great. Thanks for everything!

is it possible to disable the hightlights :stuck_out_tongue: ? they take my focus away from more important things like the reading and meaning

I thought Iā€™d fixed that one ages agoā€¦ Iā€™ll be in the next update.

Short answer: Iā€™ll put some attention to improving landscape mode, but itā€™s not a large priority.

Handling landscape mode cleanly has been nearly impossible since the keyboard takes up too much space on the screen. Only on large tablets does it look/work okay-ish. And I guess thatā€™s why almost nobody uses it (it hasnā€™t ever worked properly, and I think youā€™re the first person to actually mention itā€¦).

A hardware keyboard is probably the only way landscape is going to work properly, so I think I might as well bite the bullet and size the layout for that, and leave landscape + soft keyboard as the unusable mess it already is.

Short answer: for now, no.

The problem is that the size of the soft keyboard is unpredictable and variable, so itā€™s impossible to predict ahead of time how that display should be sized. In theory itā€™s easy to make the size dynamic and let the layout adjust automatically as the keyboard comes and goes, but all my attempts to do that have so far only made things worse, with the layout randomly refusing to adjust when the keyboard pops up or down, the input text box suddenly losing focus, that kind of thing. The sizing as it is now is annoying, but at least it works. I am assuming this is one of those ā€˜I donā€™t know enough about Android internals to do it properly right now, but maybe laterā€™ kind of things.

Itā€™s easily the biggest UI eyesore for me, and occasionally I revisit it and try to fix it up again. Iā€™ll continue doing that, but until I can get it to work reliably, this one will have to stay as it is.

Iā€™ll add an option for it.


I just came here to say that I absolutely love this app. I love doing Wanikani on my phone and this app just has it all. You get a good view on your progression, it includes all kinds of useful options like Self Study Quiz, Radicals first and so on.

I vastly prefer it to installing Userscripts on my PC, so for me Flaming Durtles is like THE Wanikani App.

Itā€™s great, thanks!

I understand. What about the idea of just being able to force a max and min font size for the reviews instead of dynamic? I saw you have controls for many of the other pages. If not, thatā€™s ok. I appreciate all the hard work you put into this app.

Also, your app isnā€™t open source, right? You are just doing this all by yourself?

The difficulty with that is that the sizes can easily get out of hand because of the variation in vocabulary. Some vocab are just one character, and some are a whole string of characters that stretch across the screen. If the sizes are set poorly, the rendering just goes horribly wrong, at best clipping over other parts of the UI, at worst with characters getting lost. I donā€™t particularly want to include settings that can break things.

But as I said, I learn more about Android every day, this problem is one I often think about and experiment with. Iā€™ll get it right some day :wink:

Yes, for now itā€™s not open source and Iā€™m doing this on my own. I prepared the repository to be opened up a while ago, but I havenā€™t pushed the button yet, for various reasons that I hope will become less of a big deal when the stress of the Corona-crisis winds down a bit.

I totally get that. Iā€™m sure if something like that breaks, people will go crazy. But for everything youā€™ve done by yourself, itā€™s amazing. I know the work that goes into an app like this since I am a software developer myself. This really has to be a passion of love for the time you put in.

Once it goes open source, assuming I still have the passion I have now, Iā€™m interested interested to take a look into it.

I also see myself wanting to add more optional features. Like on my PC, I like the script that tries to tell you why something rendakus. I also like being able to see the kanji stroke order. I also really like the script that breaks down reused kanji that have the same reading because of a shared radical.

Thereā€™s definitely a labour of love aspect to it. But thereā€™s also a big part of self-administered ersatz therapy in there. Which is a big part of why Iā€™m very wary of taking on the consequences of open sourcing the codeā€¦

Which script is that? The other two you mention are already on my todo-list, but that one is new to me.

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