Hi friends!
I hope this doesn’t make me seem ungrateful or anything, I’ve used Wanikani for a long time now, but I recently learned the radical 示 (Wanikani: jackhammer). Usually when I see names like this I go look up the radical to learn more about its history, especially since in this case its meaning isn’t related to jackhammering or anything.
I was really interested to learn suggestions that its origin was a character depicting an ancestral tablet/altar showing the will of the gods. Super cool! And immediately provides a connection to its meaning in words like 示す or 示唆 or 示し.
I wanted to suggest that this context might actually be super helpful in Wanikani itself, at least as an alternate name similar to how 殳 (used to??) have “IKEA” as a name in addition to weapon.
Seems like a minor thing, but in this case I think the historical context really helps connect the symbol to the meaning for me!