Ah! Everything looks different!

You might also want to look into WKOF only loading on WaniKani — Log in and not https://www.wanikani.com/ (which the logo now links to).

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Not to be the odd one out but I think it looks great. I’m happy that they’re experimenting.


Same! I went to the site after lunch and I was like, “Help! I need an adult!” I don’t mind it though, I like the new colors.

Sweet, thanks a lot!

I just wanted to come home from school and do some vocab reviews that don’t look like grape-flavoured medicine

Is that too much to ask


The other thing is the URL. Many scripts will work on WaniKani — Log in, but not https://www.wanikani.com where the logo redirects to.

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One last thing (feels like I’m spamming this thread with something completely unrelated). When you click on kanji the drop down menu is pink and not orange. Same with Vocab and green/purple.

It doesnt really bother me as I dont really use it that much but that might be the last inconsistent with the style. Youre doing a great job with the fixes though, appreciate it^^

Did you make the style? I tried to search for it and saw a thread with another username so I didnt reply to you under that thread :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not too concerned about the logo, though I do think the new one looks a bit corporate and soulless.

Did the colors already change back? It still looks a bit too bright to me, but maybe the other changes altered my perception of the rest.

Regardless, if the new colors helped people with color blindness, I think the site REALLY should have given people an option of which scheme to use in their settings.


Seems like having a basic script on which build others was a good idea after all. Since only that script would need to be updated


Is anyone having problems with the WaniKani Lesson Hover Details script? Right now I only have vocabs lessons left, but when i hover the “Lesson” button nothing happens.

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I’d like to see what was the reasoning behind this change. The logo is a matter of taste, but the new menu seems to just remove information. The colors were a great example of testing in production, but at least quickly rolled back. Finally made me use the forums, if nothing else.


What are the scripts you have installed for the extra stats on your dashboard?

I use a dark theme anyway, so the color change really doesn’t affect me all that much :laughing: The new UI layout is pretty cool though.

Like the navigation, not the colors 8)

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Idk I prefer the new menu looks a bit more sleek. Only lacks the level indicator imo


Haha, no, I did not make it, I just use it too, and Valeth (who made it) doesn’t seem to be around anymore. If he doesn’t pick it back up I might keep doing maintenance, though. Fixing the menus is not a priority right now, as I am working on my bachelor’s thesis. I might do it later, though


Honestly i dont mind the logo itself so much but oh god it doesnt match the rest of the dashboard at all…

Edit: Didnt realize it matches the color scheme they just reverted. Much more understandable. Im sure theyll think of something.


I really hope they give back the progress buttons. They were important to me :cry:


Maybe you should rethink what you said about the power that we have as a subscriber. They’re running a business, not a alt-right party, after all they still need the subscribers to pay for their salary.

Anyway, glad to hear that the previous colors are coming back. It’s really nice to get a reply for the team this quick!

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Just thought I’d let you know that with [Userscript] Self-Study Hide Info installed, you can still quiz yourself on the Radicals/Kanji/Vocab pages :+1:

Self-Study-quiz rescued. YEIH.