Advice Needed!

Here’s my TL:DR rundown. But more importantly, a lot depends on what you eventually want to do with the language. I’m assuming being able to read more so here goes :smiley:

I would finish Genki 1 + 2 at least if you’re on your way and take a look at other grammar resources like Bunpro or Tae Kim’s Guide to make sure you have a solid foundation before diving in into reading.

While Duolingo gives some basic vocab to work with, I think that + WaniKani might not be enough. But you can mine vocab while reading, so no worries there.

A) more grammar
B) More reading + mining vocab

Reading books, Twitter posts, news articles, etc. It’s more important to know how to organically use the grammar you know and learn a bit of new stuff in the process.

Join us at the勉強しましょう-let’s-learn-together/31441/4973 thread and set tangible goals. Have a look at how others do it and maybe something will inspire you :slight_smile: .

A) Use it in a way that brings you joy
B) Diversify your learning diet so that you get exposed to different resources and ways of explaining grammar and vocab

これ以上 :smiley:

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