Advanced Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: 本の読み方 スロー・リーディングの実践

A non-ebook nomination made it? Wow!
Looking forward to reading with the club. :smile:


I can’t say I expected that, haha. It’s done well on several polls, but never made it to the top for very long. I figured the fact that it’s paper only was too detrimental… Happy to be proven wrong!

Anyway, sure, I think I can manage to run this one at least so far as the creating of threads goes. I’ll set a reminder to create the main thread with a tentative schedule proposal next week as I’m feeling a bit of a cold coming up.


The last time I was somewhere with a Kinokuniya I bought this book in the hopes that it would win at some point! So I’m excited to give it a read! (instead of it collecting dust on my bookshelf indefinitely)


That sounds like true dedication :star_struck:

I got this book as a present from my Japanese host family when I stayed with them in, uh, 2019, I guess… I had just gotten into reading, and my host father said that it was good and that he didn’t need it any more, so here it is :laughing:


I guess it’s time to make another cdjapan order. Woe is me…


Congrats on the book being picked!
I really want to read it, let’s see if I manage to grab a copy.
While looking for it I found out that it’s a series, as the eshop for books in Denmark has Masquerade Eve (collection of short stories), Masquerade Night and Masquerade Game but not Masquerade Hotel :melting_face:


Fwiw it’s a book you can usually find used on ebay and other used book sites because it came out some time ago and even had a movie made from it.


Amazing, thanks for the tip, I did find one there :smiley: order is placed!


Had a bit of an imposter syndrom because the person on eBay wrote to me in Japanese that the book was sent and asked for feedback when I received it. I replied in broken Japanese that my Japanese is weak but I will. She replied

Nice to know :grin:


Just coming to talk to other readers. I’m reading Harry Potter 1 because it’s always been a dream of mine to read it in another language. And it took me to page ten to find a kanji I didn’t know and that’s because it’s not taught by WaniKani lol. So I’m just tickled. The new vocabulary is absolutely kicking my ass so it’s slow going, but I still understanding all the jokes!


He is! I’m a fan, haha.

I don’t own the other two volumes, but if there’s interest to continue afterwards, I’m very willing to pick them up.

proof of commitment xD


Oh wow, wasn’t expecting that! Awesome! Have you read them all? Any favorites?

東野圭吾 detour

Not even half of them, I think. You might notice how some of the 文庫本 are pushed further to the back of the shelf, while others are at the front. The ones pushed to the back I|ve read, the others not yet. Of the big ones I’ve only read 容疑者X and ブラックショーマン.

I’d recommend quite a lot, depending on what you’re looking for I suppose. 容疑者X of course, as it’s my entry way and really quite good. If you want to read more in that series, I’d recommend both 聖女の救済 and 真夏の方程式 since they’re also long form stories. The others in the series I’ve read aren’t bad, but they’re short stories. Imo 東野圭吾 writes better long form than short story format.

If you’re in the mood for something a bit more oldschool, I’d recommend ある閉ざされた雪の山荘で, I thought it was quite clever.

And then, if you’re in the mood for some human drama with supernatural elements, there’s 変身 and 秘密. These are not really mysteries, just mysterious. I didn’t expect that when I read them, but once I got into the right mindset, I enjoyed them.

ブラックショーマン was also really good. That one has great character interaction. It’s a bit of a morally dark grey almost-protagonist.

More 東野 圭吾

I have such big faith in the fact that I will enjoy 東野 圭吾 that the only time I walked into a book store that had Japanese books in Japanese books, I just asked for “東野 圭吾” and picked 4 random books of his :sweat_smile:
Haven’t read them yet, but they are:
I see the first two in your collection but not the last two.
I’ve been actually be looking for 新参者 as I want to read it but it doesn’t have an ebook version, maybe you wanna swap? xD

even more on 東野圭吾

I have マスカレード・イブ and マスカレード・ナイト already sitting on my bookshelf since I bought these three together. So if you would like to continue after the first one and read together, please give me a heads up. If I like the first one and have the time, I might like to join you.

I say “if I like” because I have read books by him I really enjoyed (容疑者Xの献身、怪笑小説 (did not like all of the stories, but some of them I loved)), but I even gave up on one once because it just was not my thing at all (名探偵の掟). We will see. :grin:

Do not have any of these (unfortunately).


Well I’m not going to read them anytime soon (I’m thinking in two years at the earliest) so let me know if you want to borrow them!

Inserting Myself Into the 東野圭吾 Discussion

That’s an awesome collection you have! I’m glad to hear you like some of his works and that they’re not too hard to understand
I have five of his books (レイクサイド、卒業、悪意、探偵ガリレオ、and 予知夢), but have not yet read any :sweat_smile:

I was happy to see that one of his books got chosen, but I was debating on whether or not to join the club haha
I was already planning on reading 探偵ガリレオ this year, so I think I might stick with that instead of reading one of his books I don’t even own yet :sweat_smile: But I think in the future if I like his stuff I’ll definitely get マスカレードホテル and look back at the threads! I hope you all enjoy the book :smile:

Me too, me too !

I’m a huge fan of the “Detective Galileo” series, though I haven’t read them all; So far, I’ve read 探偵ガリレオ, 予知夢, 容疑者Xの献身, 弊女の救済, and 真夏の方程式.
I also have a full set of the “Detective Kaga” series, though I haven’t started on them yet.
I was very impressed by ナミヤ雑貨店の奇跡, which, for once, is not a thriller… and could be a good book for a future ABC, I think…


Ooh nice!! Yes I want to read that too, a friend actually read it in english and recommended it to me! I think that was the first time I ever heard of 東野さん. That would be cool if they had a book club for it!


Alright, I’ve set up the home thread for our next book. Please see the 1st post for a poll as to the schedule!