Advanced Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: マスカレード・ホテル

東野圭吾 fans unite~

I’m really happy to see so many fans of 東野圭吾 here. :laughing:

Seeing as I haven’t read it myself yet, I’m going to have to pass! :joy: If we live reasonably close that postage isn’t an issue, I don’t mind swapping some of the books I’ve read though - or books I’d get back, for that.

Roger that~ :sparkles:

I like that series! I saw you didn’t mention 容疑者X, which is the first book in that series that isn’t a (connected) short story collection. If you find you don’t care overmuch for the short stories, I’d still recommend giving 容疑者X a try if you can get your hands on it. 東野圭吾 shines in long form. :slight_smile:

Me too. :eyes: I own the full set, (10 volumes I believe) but have been waiting until I finish the Galileo series. Or what’s published so far at least. I’ve seen ナミヤ雑貨店の奇跡 around but don’t own it - isn’t that one of the few that’s available as an ebook even?

Weeelllllll… we can always just set up our own club if it’s not picked by an ‘official’ club like the ABC. :grin:


I own that one as well, but have not read it yet. Would love to eventually read it, too.


Shouting out that Natively’s Mystery Book Club is voting again :female_detective: We tend to read at about the same pace and level of books as the Advanced Book Club, but naturally with a focus on mystery books. We love new readers, so don’t be shy to join! :wave:


I can see 変な家 in the nomination list, does it make sense to keep now that it got a Club here?


There isn’t complete overlap between the two forums for book club readers, so I think it would be unfair to remove it on that basis. If it gets no votes, or if our nominations become full and it falls to the bottom for votes though it will be eliminated.

Edit: I did shout out that club starting up in the Mystery Club home thread though, so probably any interested readers went over here. It may end up vote less and take care of itself.


Well of course when I wrote this comment I also immediately placed an order for the three books haha.
Only to get an email that they actually didn’t have them in stock at the moment, and will get them maybe one day in 2 to 6 weeks.

You will never guess what happened next

Someone’s big brother has arrived :grin:
(Actually this is the 4th book so I hope that book 2 and 3 will come too :smiling_face_with_tear:)